
Neural Networks Explained – Machine Learning Tutorial for Beginners

If you know nothing about how a neural network works, this is the video for you! I’ve worked for weeks to find ways to explain this in a way that is easy to understand for beginners.

Past Videos:
Intro to Machine Learning with Javascript:

Machine Learning 2 – Building a Recommendation Engine:

Machine learning and neural networks are awesome. This video provides beginners with an easy tutorial explaining how a neural network works – what math is involved, and a step by step explanation of how the data moves through the network.

The example used will be a feed forward neural network with back propagation. It explains the difference between linear and non linear data, the importance of the activation function, learning rate, and momentum configurations.

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31 thoughts on “Neural Networks Explained – Machine Learning Tutorial for Beginners
  1. I think maybe you could give more detailed calculations and visualize it from each iterations so that viewers can understand how the calculation works

  2. What calculations did you use to find the activation function and the output nodes. I think I missed something or didn't understand how you got those numbers by the end of the first iteration.

  3. I came to this video first. Watched it twice. Was still confused. Went on to watch 5 different other vids on NN’s and 2 vids on CNN’s. Revisited this video. Now it makes sense

  4. excellent video… but you came out short with the explanation of the calcs of backprop…
    no idea what delta is…. no idea what pastChange is… and you don't have to change just the values and the weight… you have to change the biases… so…………. i hope this is in the next video…
    really good so far

  5. too number-filled explanation. The graphs/activation stuff you showed didn't actually help with the explanation. Why would I use sigmoid or tanh…? Felt like you skipped over backprop with bare mentions. I think your explanation made sense, it just hard to visualize for a beginner. Maybe you need code.

  6. Ok. So after you apply the activation function to the sum. What then do you do to it? The arrows on the right arnt explained.

  7. What are you adding some slight reverb to your vocal track? The acoustics sound great like you're on stage, not in a bedroom in front of a computer lol.

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