
David Lynch: Surrealist of Americana

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21 thoughts on “David Lynch: Surrealist of Americana
  1. i admire their work ,both as a concept critisism and the way they present it…is it deep film self-studying or profecionall critisism compined in a 10 minute edit, its as interesting as it i entertaning!

  2. I've always thought that Lynch has a lot in common with the surrealists. Strangely he himself has expressed little interest in the surrealist movement. Then again maybe he just doesn't want to be pinned down that way. He does acknowledge the influence of the painter Francis Bacon.

  3. Well, that's what I thought as well, but I've been told that Lynch is more a post-structuralist figure, which you've also shown with the necessary dualities point. I can sorta see both readings, but I can't really see why someone would box him in with one reading or another.

  4. I can't stop watching this channel. Never stop. Delve deeper into the movies, don't be afraid of longer videos.

  5. One film that was strongly influenced by Lynch is The Mystery of Rampo, a lush surrealist detective story from Japan. Very beautiful and lyrical, and strange in a way I can only call Lynchian. If you haven't seen it, you should definitely look it up.

  6. This is one of the most professionally done shows on YouTube. I love it. Y'all are absolutely awesome, and David Lynch is my God. Just saying.

    I'm a total fan.
    Much, much love y'all ❤❤❤

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