
Dan Dennett Speaks about The Clergy Project at 2012 Global Atheist Convention


Dan Dennett speaks specifically about The Clergy Project during his “How To Tell You’re An Atheist’ talk. The full talk is available here:


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6 thoughts on “Dan Dennett Speaks about The Clergy Project at 2012 Global Atheist Convention
  1. People can be (raised) atheist and still be gullible…

    Furthermore your confirmation bias shows trough heavily: as you admit yourself, you don't like him because of your presuppositions.

  2. It would be great if atheists could start small meeting areas in cities, perhaps similar to a christian science reading room. We could use these former clergy to organize and run these centers. I'm an isolated atheist, and would appreciate and use something like this.

  3. If you want to become a christian, then a Jesuit is not what you want to become. If you want truth, don't go to the catholic church, because all they have is error. Revelation 14 told us to come out of her. Don't become a Jesuit because you will only be doing the dirty work for the catholic church, the same church God told us to leave.

  4. what an absurd argument. How do you explain pastors turned atheists? The Devil?

    The truth doesn't need to corolate with your beliefs even if your given it.

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