
Surrealism in Berserk


In case you’re wondering why I’m making another video on Surrealism, my last video, on Paprika, was demonetised, and whilst working on it I thought to myself how surrealist art has inspired Berserk as well.
A few ideas went through my head (especially when thinking about The Idea of Evil and the repercussions of Griffith and his actions ) which I eventually fleshed out into what you see today.


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27 thoughts on “Surrealism in Berserk
  1. Хоть я и слаб в английской языке, но всё таки я смог с помощью гугл переводчика, более меняя понять Ваши мысли. Спасибо, это очень крутой анализ! Пойду перечитаю Берсерка! XD

  2. When I first read through the manga I always told myself… Ight I seen the anime I know what gonna happen. Some fucked up shit that's what. But I still found myself surprised as just how fucked up some of the shit was. Of course the anime doesn't update with the manga so of course I was not expecting some of the things afterwards.

    And with my second time reading through I was actually surprised at how much I actually just blew over because my brain didn't care for it.

  3. not to hate on the video or anything, good job and all, but I'm 5 minutes in and i feel like you actually haven't said anything of substance you've just described with overblown language what we can all see for ourselves. I think you could improve your commentary if you said something of value about the surrealism of beserk instead of just describing it

  4. Nothing could've prepared me for it. My brothers warned me NOT TO WATCH IT but I still did anyway. It was an amazing experience and I couldn't stop thinking about it for a solid week, wondering about the fate of the characters. I've since been up to date with the manga and just….wow. The fact that the Eclipse crosses my mind and still makes me shudder to this day, more than ten years later, is a testament to Miura's artwork and writing.

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