Consciousness Videos

Abraham Hicks. The observer effect (from quantum mechanics)


Abraham Hicks. The observer effect (from quantum mechanics).
Extract from 2011-03-13 Panama Canal Cruise
The audio material in this video is extracted from the Abraham Hicks workshops: and are copyrighted by Esther Hicks and Jerry Hicks. For additional information on Abraham Hicks or Esther Hicks, visit their website


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5 thoughts on “Abraham Hicks. The observer effect (from quantum mechanics)
  1. Concerning yourself with the observer effect is akin to worrying about asymmetrical wheel bearing wear as you drive down the road with the top down. It's there, but why linger?

  2. Some people ask me if a know all, and my answer is yes, on everything that resonates with my vibration in the moment. Am I expanding, yes, I am expanding as are all of you as well expanding. There is always a recycling of new information that is created throughout infinity. My know it all, is in the present moment. Every moment is a plat form to more expansion and more information that already exists within the core essence of my being, as potentiality. This pure conscious being, is potentiality, and it only knows us from our human perspective, and we are the expression of it in form.

  3. reality is one representation of pure randomness that seems to have patterns but is really crowded by other random things in which we can't observe because it is not in this representation of reality that we experience. The other random things that are not in our reality are similar to SALT in cryptography but this reality is one of the messages you can decrypt from this randomness. In any random thing you can run an algorithm though it which forces a pattern to exist.

  4. It should be the work of your leisure hours to use your imagination on the details of your vision, and to contemplate them until they are firmly fixed upon memory. If you wish speedy results, spend practically all your spare time in this practice.- Wallace D. Wattles

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