
Jordan Peterson | ContraPoints

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43 thoughts on “Jordan Peterson | ContraPoints
  1. Clearly misrepresenting what JBP stood against in the first 2 minutes, and then it goes even further into the typical leftist identitarian tokenism interspersed with questionable attempt at humour. Pass.
    It makes me happy that this is what is considered a Leftist 'thinker' these days, clearly put on a pedestal because of his yasss qweeen style and not the actual intellectual content of his bedroom/bathtub musings.

  2. Thanks for pointing out some of Dr. Peterson's troubling ideas, i realy like a lot of what he says but not all, my problem is when i see time and time again that some of his fans take everything to face value and even idolize him for what he says.

  3. The post modernist and Marxists are unified in destroying hierarchy and traditional values, They might not agree on everything but put there differences aside to Destroy the order brought by the right. The post modernist use the Marxists and SJW'S as a stepping stone to destroy meaning and order because they know the ideologies they use can't create long lasting metaphysical meaning or order in the world. The Marxists and SJW'S are simply the usefully idiots for the (((Postmodernist))).

  4. I went to see JP and over two hours, guess how many times he mentioned identity politics, trans rights or left politics at all? Wrong! It was zero. Not a single utterance. Turns out, that's true of all his gigs. So with that in mind, I revisited this video, and it turns out that most of the summations of his positions are wrong. Funny, well produced, but totally lacking. So I guess we'll have to wait for someone else to come along who can take him at his word and make proper, thought-out arguments.

  5. God, thank you.
    There are a lot of things about Peterson I like. But one thing I can't stand is his unending insistence on categorizing postmodernism when he has no idea what the fuck it even is.

  6. Just because you mentioned Steven Covey, he originally wrote a religious version but it didn't sell as well so he made it more secular. That's why the seven habits doesn't sound as problematic as Peterson's lectures. If you heard Covey talk in a religious context, I wonder how he'd compare to Peterson?

  7. I always assumed that when Peterson is saying "post-modernism" he is thinking of the Social Constructionism, which was a source of the postmodern movement and influential in the fields of cultural studies. He doesn't like characterizing all social phenomenon as purely "social constructs" as he sees a biological origin for them, even injustices. He's essentially re-purposing biology and psychology for a personal attack on political progressivism.

  8. After getting on boat called JP hype I started researching 'other side'. Came here today.
    Enjoyed watching video and watched few other your videos(impressive how you changed from 2016 and I mean in positive way), but I think you miss biggest point he is making. That those totalitarian regimes that were created by us – were creation of the unconcious collective mind. That's why he 'invests' in individuals and want's to bring them up to 'speed'.
    That's why he does such generalisation on 'postmodern-neomarxism' as well, cause creation of such regime is not made by 'coherent group' but by many that actually work for something like this, just want more of their own ideology that's on their side or just ignore it. And he came to this conclusion after studying totalitarian regimes. Ok his views are a bit old and some are outdated but..

    For me it is already starting to show especially in UK. We actually starting to have 'word' police, and I don't mean hateful words. I mean people stating someones gender in their perspective and police trying to prosecute them for it.
    It's madness and it has to stop. PC-culture is creating real Cenzorship in this world and you have to admit it. It bans people from speaking their minds on social media. Makes them scared. Stigmatizes and threats with calling people 'racists'. Your red lamp isn't glowing when this happens? When we are canceling 'Womens march' cause it's 'too white'?

    This is 'light' version of Stalin ministry of propaganda, but it still is. And it's huge problem cause it kills debate, creates even more divison and makes people go either extreme-left or extreme-right. This made Trump win election(in small part ofc)

    I think JP is voice of reason cause we are turning in bad way on many levels. Cause nobody else can open this debate now, cause they are either 'racist' or 'pseudo-scientific'(arguments that are used against him as well, that just can't hit in first place) If they try they are slaughered in media by journalists with agenda. Shouted on social-media and attacked relentlessly. For sure everyone is right winged if they are not left winged..just lol.

    So many try to bring JP down..and it's inaccurate. He is exposing this and making people some people actually challenge themselfes. Of course there are mindless followers on both sides.
    I fundamentally disagree on him with many points, like religion surely and I'm unsure of his psychological views and I didn't like his hidden remarks to christianity in 12 rules book.. but he finally broke the bubble of mass media left propaganda and fact that it is going to far.

    Like on Patreon you can find left calling to violence. Daily! They make fun of it and are proud of it. But Sargon will say 1 bad word on some youtube channel that's not even his and he is banned. Gone forver that evil facist bastard. That's not healthy at all.

    It makes me go bonkers that we are living in world where we can't have a debate cause it will 'offend' someone. Gods fckin thinking is offensive! Don't think! Meanwhile Asia just laughs at us.

    I know you tackle this inteligently, but since you don't give a fuck..It's quite nihilistic in my view. I mean we have as culture on West problems, but I think this is best there currently is. I mean can you try and do same thing you are doing now in run by islam culture places..but you know you would not survive most likely. In Asia yeah not everywhere, but they would treat you much worse then in 'West'. So of course some people claim we are 'descendands' of 'Western civilisation' for their own agenta/reasons. But it is what it is and it doesn't mean we can't strive for better.

    Left has to wake up and end this patting on their own backs tactic cause it leads us to greater division. When media joined left side widely – you see reaction with people to join the other. People like Trump that would never gain influence before, now are being elected cause SJW culture is polarising us at light speed. I wish there were balance in 'all things' here, but isn't. Nationalism is rising in Europe for a good reason, cause left is getting out of hand and like always people are 'revolting against'. Maybe you need to see how mass immigration works, currently there is turnmoil in France and Germany, especially in cities where there are a lot of migrants. Not cause people are racists, but fast mixing different cultures always gives conflict. And a lot of newcomers don't want our culture, just money. We need healthy debate, but it's immposible with current situation so I will advocate for JP cause we need to break this stalemate.

  9. Not sure you'll see this but it's worth a shot. Have you ever thought about going on Joe Rogan's podcast? I felt pretty frustrated watching his Jordan Peterson episode because so many of Peterson's points went unchallenged, and they weren't very good to begin with. We need someone to be able to counter these points that isn't an overly emotional, overreacting leftist that doesn't fully comprehend the issues they're arguing for. I'd love to be able to do this myself but alas, I'm a nobody lol. I think you have the gift of being able to express yourself and your points in an eloquent manner, a gift Jordan Peterson also shares. So although Peterson makes some decent points at times, it would be good for society as a whole to be able to see where his points fall short, and to hear them from someone in a reserved, well articulated manner. I think you should strongly consider being on Joe Rogan's podcast.

  10. I don't know if I'm a Peterson fan but I definitely am a Contrapoints fan. And as cool as it'd be I doubt I'll see the two share a milkshake any time soon. But I'd like Contrapoints to do another piece on Peterson with a focus more on his take on identity politics and other more contraversial stuff because I like how she unpacks ideas n there's more to play with with Peterson.

  11. If you set out to deconstruct the west as a concept assuming only that it is an appeal to power, you are by definition assuming that the hierarchies of value that create the concept are invalid and a mask foe power and have in effect set out to destroy the west.

  12. Maybe Peterson just needs to reframe his argument as "Canadian and US culture face opposition from radical-to-moderate liberals that disagree with people as far back as 2000 years ago." Which is a very dumb and broad argument, but probably more accurate to what he's thinking.

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