
Will AI Take Over the Jobs? – Jack Ma Speaks on AI Vs Machine Learning Vs Data Science


Will AI Take Over the Jobs? | Jack Ma Speaks on AI Vs Machine Learning Vs Data Science

This video is selected and uploaded by Acadgild to educate the people on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Data Science. This video is not our property.

The broader waves of Technology revolution like Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is sweeping the whole world. These are being heralded as the key to our civilization’s brightest future and tossed on technology’s over-reaching propeller heads. “Next 30 years will be Painful as the Machine Learning will take away your jobs if you are not creative and innovative enough”, says Jack Ma, Founder and Executive Chairman of Alibaba Group during an interview with CNBC pointing out data will be important to human life in the future by making machine to support the human beings instead of putting their jobs at stake.

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Check out the steamy conversation between Jack Ma and CNBC’s David Faber.
#JackMa, #DavidFaber, #CNBC, #MachineLearning, #ArtificialIntelligence, #DataScientist, #BigDataandHadoop

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28 thoughts on “Will AI Take Over the Jobs? – Jack Ma Speaks on AI Vs Machine Learning Vs Data Science
  1. Wisdom can be expressed as pattern recognition through the right training. Something that eventually machines might be able to do in… I give it 20 years

  2. Ai (Logic Machine) help human for support and big impact income change economic digital transform. Oke jack you good explain and thanks you for explain. Many Ai product like google assistant, ibm watson, etc they are product for help human and impact income economic is sure.

  3. You think big company cannot customize?only small business can do?they owns everything and can be very flexible by using AI and robots.

  4. Jack Ma talks like he thinks he knows a lot about artificial intelligence and big data. This guy thinks people should be measured by "social credit". The greatest risk to society is rich people hoarding money and not spending or investing 99% of it.

  5. "To stop globalization is impossible". Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated into the collective. Sounds like a really bright future. What makes him think we have 30 more years? It would be wiser to prepare for an economic meltdown and/or EMT attack that will have catastrophic consequences.

  6. Haven't we all already watched Detroit: become human. So just stop making robots, you have had warnings so many but there ignoring all these things. God promised he would never ever flood this world again, or break his promises. If we pray, together we can stop this!

  7. Listen Goverment…
    Dont give A.I a chance to get inside of military data ,or it will be TERMINATOR,SKY NET!!
    remember when ai attack to FB?
    Sorry,my english not really good

  8. "but it is difficult for machine to have a human heart" 1:01 This is where I knew he had nothing important to say and I didn't have to watch anymore.

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