
Abstract Expressionism Lecture

Abstract Expressionism Lecture for Mod Lit.

Clayton Wilson


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10 thoughts on “Abstract Expressionism Lecture
  1. I cant agree more! Your video was very valuable for my Essay. Sorry I couldn't give you a credit for it because they are too modern for my posh tutors to understand it but I'll share my essay with you if you are interested in new theories. Mine has lots of science in it what tries to changeling the theory being seen in a different perspective. Anyway I'll keep it short, much appreciated what you guys are doing here. All the best!

  2. A very important influence that you failed to mention, or possibly even contradicted in some cases with the mention of emotional expressionism, is the Zen notion of non-ego. The influence of D.T. Suzuki via John Cage played a heavy role in the "color fields" and "abstractness" of much of this work. The idea was to not express an individual's emotion, to not differentiate between "good and bad", but to simply let things stand on their own merit. Everything is equal to everything else. The results of this type of thinking are evident in Kline, Rothko, Rauschenberg's "White Paintings" , all of the artists coming out of the Black Mountain School, and Fluxxus. I am the new Emperor of Fluxxus, Otis Cleveland

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