
State of the Art Artificial Intelligence! – Tiny AI (Just a test)

Nimso Ny

Description of video that nobody ever looks at except me goes here.
I could probably type the words: “Here is my Credit Card information” along with the correct information and my account would probably not be affected at all. Not something I’m gonna gamble with but maybe someone will say something about this in the comments.

Here’s an equation possibly useful in the production of a Time Machine:

t(n) = t*ROOT(1 – V^2 / c^2)
t(n): Dilated time
t: Actual time while stationary
V: Velocity
c: Speed of Light

I would type up a detailed description on how to create your very own time machine but I don’t believe even 0.5% of people coming to this video would read it…
Maybe if you mention this in a comment… I’ll give you one free Like…


(disclaimer: Time travel is impossible, Time is a construct produced by the Human Brain, we could’ve called it Gravity, and called gravity Time… Then I could say “I fell down due to time”, and maybe “My my, where has all the gravity gone, it’s gravity for me to go!”)

(disclaimer 2: I don’t use credit cards)


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29 thoughts on “State of the Art Artificial Intelligence! – Tiny AI (Just a test)
  1. Quick question: how does the ai select a point only in the ground area? By watching the video i thought about a script (spawn an empty gameobj, drive the npc there) although i dont really know how to make the script only target the ground and not the whole infinite unity space. Any suggestions?

  2. please make an episode 2 of your tutorial series, I would really want to know how you make your games, especially this one. But if you can't right now, please answer this question: are the character movements animations, do you apply forces to the legs through the rigidbody? and also, how did you learn all of that? could you indicate me a great vid for learning about all of that. Thaks by advance for your response.

  3. if you release this as a game it would be really nice if you would add a low pc graphic setting cause i dont have a gaming pc

  4. Hey I'm really fascinated by how your making games like this I myself love video games and want to start making them I've bought a online course teaching me about unity and making 2d and 3D games, but is there any tips you can give me?

  5. This is an absolutely amazing project! You should put it on kick-starter, It's outstanding really! I really would love to play a game like this! I hope development goes well and that this works out for you. I want to be the first to buy this though It's really cool! I hope your project with Super Tubby Cat also works out for you.

  6. i time travel constantly in lower density worlds like lucid dreaming and video games. from our perspective, we can see the path to take to go back in time, from a game or dream characters perspective. time on being is space to another

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