
Piet Mondrian – A Journey Through Modern Art

Piet Mondrian – Master of Modern Art; Music by Philip Glass from “Glassworks” Track 6 – Closing (Instrumental)

Robes Bear


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39 thoughts on “Piet Mondrian – A Journey Through Modern Art
  1. I would hate someone to manipulate and distort my work like this. Let the paintings do their own talking and make your own images to play with.

  2. Great video, it is very illuminating to see how a seemingly abstract and simplistic work of art evolved from an intricate painting of a tree. Good to show the evolution of a painter.

  3. Wow what a great artist, I sure wish I could draw straight lines and boxes like that, oh wait…..I actually did make it through kindergarten

  4. He lived in Winterswijk in a big villa names villa mondriaan. It is now a museum with his paintings and other information.

  5. Wow! Such A piece of art! It's truly…….. pure crap.
    srsly wtf make ppl like these crap so much oh people these days…. maybe there life was so meaningless that they took a random crap and call it "art" art is dying these days we need to bring it back

  6. heres a notion take it or leave it- can you square a square. You start by putting a smaller square into a larger one- this is not art though.

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