
Steven Pinker on Social Media Outrage Over Factual Gender Differences


JRE #1073. Joe Rogan and Steven Pinker get started off talking about social media outrage phenomenon.


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37 thoughts on “Steven Pinker on Social Media Outrage Over Factual Gender Differences
  1. The "intellectual" are the worst because they think they are superior to everyone that's not them and forget it if you aren't in line politically.

  2. How intelligent can you be if you are racist and ignorant? These people get outraged and hate on account of people having different colour, culture or religion. So yes in my book that is not intelligent let alone highly intelligent.

  3. The differences between genders are not taboo. There are tons of articles about how women are smarter, kinder, more evolved, you name it. You just can't suggest men are better at anything. The politically correct oppinion drilled into society is that we are inferior. Even every sitcom has a stupid, goofy husband and smart, serious wife. First wave feminism was a reaction to women being considered inferior, second wave, the same, and third wave feminism which is totally sexist, teaches that men are inferior. And the same matriarchy seems to lord it over academia with an iron club. People are individuals. IQ and SAT tests show almost no difference in intelligence between the sexes.

  4. Turn off your ding notifications and you will be alot happier. Also know that if you share you could be having a layered argument on multiple threads. That last one is really frustrating. The interface does a play a role as well emotions are lost in text translation and people are more bold. Look this up The Ring of Gyges. Its a perfect analogy of the Troll or E Thug.

  5. It's funny how you never see. Steven Pinker & Margeret Atwood. In the same place at the same time. I wonder why???? South Park was right. All Canadians do look alike 😉

  6. I don’t know why for a little while I took far leftism seriously – not that I ever fell for it, I just listened like it mattered
    But it really is mental illness as a norm

  7. Trouble with the idea that we will just swing back from rage extreme and ridiculous lefty positions is that they have been institutionalised. new Nazis fachist racist sexist elitist ageist thought control speech control anti democratic loony left language brainwashing and propaganda has corrupted. Our institutions. Those institutions need cleaning up before intelligent discourse reasoned opinions and fair judgement can resume. Thing won’t just swing back to sanity

  8. Its the only correct thing that Baraq did. Spurring Trump to take revenge. Now the dems are exposed for scum that they are. Sweet revenge in my books.

  9. Conflation of the necessary and the sufficient. Equal opportunity is certainly a requirement, but definitely not sufficient to produce equality of outcome. Too bad so few are able to process this simple truth. The film 'Idiocracy' turns out to be a documentary…

  10. If you are opposed to politically correct speech, stop using the euphemism "gender" for the more accurate word "sex." Gender means a grammatical inflection of nouns. There are at least five genders: feminine, masculine, neuter, animate, and inanimate. There are only two sexes, though some individuals may posses the features (either biological or psychological) of both.

  11. The same phenomenon happened when Spike Lee used to chide Reggie Miller and the famous choke hand gesture that Reggie Miller showed Spike lee. Spike Lee was told to basically STFU and stop instigating. Reggie Miller would get mad at Spike and start shooting 3 point shots ending the hopes of the NY Nicks ever making it to the finals.
    There are tons of examples in history where the opposite side does something outrageous or catastrophic and the other side uses it as motivation to destroy the other side.
    Some people may not remember this but if you wanted to make fun of someone you say "Is that made in Japan?"
    Not so funny anymore. The Japanese rebuilt their country in less than 5 years after WWII. They never bitched or complained about the stranglehold the U.S. had on Japan, they just fucking did it.

  12. Aristotle said: "justice" is treating equals equally, and unequals unequally. There is overlap in abilities between men and women. Individual characteristics in individual persons, and equality of opportunity is the proper place to logically determine what is just and fair.

  13. No matter the issue, a discussion should be honest, factual and moderate and fair in terms of what is said and how it is said. But bias and a drive for power is what we have.

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