Consciousness Videos

Scotoma – interactive video installation by Voigt&Voigtmann

Alexander Voigt

‘Scotoma’ is an interactive closed circuit video installation, which creates an unbiased observation scenario by playing with the possibilities of new tracking technologies, without giving up a critical distance. The setup of the work is subdivided into a peepbox, equipped with a monitor, eye tracker, motorized webcam and a projector. On the opposite site is a large-scale screen, equipped with two moving head spotlights and a surveillance camera on top. By looking into the peepbox the participants are invited to get a powerful perspective view through the surveillance camera. At the same time the participant’s face appears as a larger than life projection on the screen. Inside the peepbox the movement of the participant’s eyes is tracked and activates the spotlights, which are located behind the screen in the area of the projected eyes. The movement of the participant’s eyes is then synchronized with the moving spotlights.
The work plays ironically with the participant’s expectations, both in terms of content and form, that are related to the control of surveillance systems. The omnipotent observer and the controlled spotlights subtly caricaturize surveillance situations where observers usually keep their physical and spatial anonymity. The lifting of anonymity sets the scene for self-presentation and determine within the simultaneity of reality and representation a double role as actor and observer. The closed circuit situation allows the actor and observers, on both sides, to see themselves observing themselves. This self-presentation combined with the lifting of the anonymity finally leads to a partial loss of control and transforms the place of public entertainment into a stage of contemporary art sense.


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