
Heuristic Search in Artificial Intelligence: Heuristic Function in AI: AI

Computer Science Academy By Dinesh Sir

This lecture will support you to understand the concept of Heuristic Search and heuristic function in Artificial Intelligence.
How this method is used and its significance to solve the complex problem or tough problem.

Please see the following video to know about more concept:


Artificial Intelligence :

Breadth first search in Artificial Intelligence:

Water Jug Problem in AI: Production System in Artificial Intelligence:

ISP: Internet Service Provider:

This lecture is useful for B.Tech, B.E, M.Tech, MCA, BCA, BSc, MSc, Polytechnic
Subscribe the channel: computer science academy by Dinesh Sir.


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4 thoughts on “Heuristic Search in Artificial Intelligence: Heuristic Function in AI: AI
  1. i am crying i beg you please explain Non Linear Pipeline processors, Reservation Table , Latency Analysis,Collision Free Scheduling,Collision Vectors,State Diagrams,Greedy Cycles,Pipeline Schedule Algorithm, Bounds on the MaL ,ARithmetic pipeline Stage, multiply Pipeline Design

  2. i touch your feet i beg you please explain the following topics :
    Overcoming Data Hazards with Dynamic Scheduling,Static Scheduling,Tomasulo’s Algorithm,Three Stages of Tomasulo’s Algorithm , The Basic Architecture of Mips floating point unit using Tomasulo’s Algorithm,Instruction Level Parallelism with Software Approaches ,Basic Pipeline Scheduling and Loop Unrolling , Static branch prediction,Static Multiple Issue: the VLIW Approach,Linear Pipeline Processors,Asynchronous and Synchronous Model

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