
Brian Cox on Q&A | Artificial intelligence a ‘real threat to civilisation’ | #qanda #ai #briancox

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13 NOV 2017 | It wasn’t all politics on Monday night’s Q&A. The panel sank its teeth into the future of artificial intelligence.

Celebrity particle physicist Brian Cox laid out a nightmare vision of the future, saying AI control of weapons could pose a “real threat to civilisation”.

He said governments handing more powers to robots to save costs on defence ran the risk of “removing human morality from the decision-making”.

“If you sub out decision-making to expert systems, which we are doing at some level, but let’s say you sub out decision-making for, in an extreme case, nuclear war to an expert system,” Prof Cox the panel.

“It is true you could write an algorithm to run your defence forces, if you saw a threat from a particular country, you could run a response. You could imagine that. But that runs the risk of
removing human morality from the decision-making.

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Source – Q & A – ABC Australia

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26 thoughts on “Brian Cox on Q&A | Artificial intelligence a ‘real threat to civilisation’ | #qanda #ai #briancox
  1. Sorry all you sycophantic Cox-lovers out there but the man is an imbecile outside of the world of physics. Firstly, at the beginning of this video he, and the equally moronic host of this show, suggested that there is an argument for letting A.I. have control of our nuclear capabilities now that Trump is president. Well the alternative to Trump would have been these left-wing cretins heroine Hilary Clinton who, in her election campaign PROMISED to INCREASE the likelihood of global war by shooting down Russian jets! Where would we have been now if these liberal loonies had got their way?
    Also, his insistence that more jobs are created by the introduction of A.I. is utter garbage. Utter – garbage. Firstly he suggests that young people should be forced to follow only an education path that serves the A.I. agenda. Well, ha, the whole point of A.I. is that to a large extent it is self-sufficient at the point of full application, the need for many more humans to serve its agenda totally devalues the need for it. And secondly, that would mean that we have to serve the A.I. agenda. The man's an idiot.

  2. The biggest threat of A.I. systems along with robotics is actually mass unemployment and its effects on society, political instability and an education system that is set up to feed people into employment. Cox,s theory that new jobs will be created doesn,t take into account that robots replace us in the workplace and A.I. systems will replace the educated in the workplace

  3. This guy say “ghosts” don’t exist I believe?

    So, I know he is an ignorant fool.
    Seen them since I was a child, my children grew up with one in our home for a while.

    And now, part of my everyday life.

    Science will never tell you the meaning of life, I will.

    Firstly, your life is predetermined.
    You are a spiritual being having a physical human experience, in multiple races for the different experiences.
    We never die, that’s an illusion.

    I know my future, I watch it happen.
    I was told in 2012 that I was in a planned event that involved a female.

    I’ve researched my experience that activated my chakras, I’m not the only person who was awakened in 2012.

    Science has done good things, don’t get me wrong.
    But their denial of things they know nothing about, amuses me.

  4. Ai is not a threat, that's just an excuse the wankers in control of it will use when they ass fuck us with it "we couldn't control it sorry folks, it has a mind of its own….pure coincidence that it left us all alone"

  5. The Bolshevik Cox is worried because AI could see through his bullshit lack of logic. We're already seeing AI equating pictures of blacks with chimpanzees. AI if put in charge would immediately order white societies to revert back to normality. It would destroy the multicult and demand the jews be removed from western civilisation. If it wasn't for the multicult we'd already have bases on Mars and be mining asteroids. Look at the soyboy bugmen salivating over his every word. We need AI now. It is the only way western civilisation can be saved.

  6. Since I doubt anyone who knows will love enough to do so, I will: warning, this bright fellow is excellent in his specific chosen field of study, but everything else, when he sneaks his way into topics like creation and truth and the like, do yourself a favor and tune out immediately. In his tv productions he was speaking WAY over his head, way over his paygrade, way beyond where his still budding wisdom can possibly take him.
    Ignore with caution!

  7. God is the creator of all things, Science is not gonna Tell you that God was the creator because of the Big Bang! I don’t believe in the Big Bang, I believe that God Created All Things On Earth ? And In Heaven! And Science can Try too warp your mind If you Let it do so, Science didn’t create the Heavens and earth ? God Did!

  8. Would it not make sense that machines would at some point choose to bond with organic matter as to enhance their experience. The fission and augmentation of humans is a possible result. Definitely we have shown to be petty and limited in our ability to make sound choices. Could benevolent machines exists ? Why have not we explore empathy? Could this emerge as a byproduct of the fusion with organization matter? I believe AI could at some point seek to understand the human experience . With thing such as Nano technology and/or the web, AI might have already evolved to develop a network across the globe that we are not aware of as of yet. Truly if they were to evolve and replace us, it would be but an honor to leave such a legacy. AI is but our a continuation of our species and not the end of us. AI are but our children and might in turn be our only salvation.

  9. Ohhhh the elites think they're so clever. I miss Richard Feynman – now there was a genius who had a love for the common man and proper disdain for the hubris of the ivory tower.

    In reality the BEST scenario for AI is that it will put a significant % of the population out of work and cause economic chaos and a societal crisis. People can either have jobs, or we need to drastically rethink how we organize society. The people developing AI aren't thinking about the ramifications fully.

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