
The Black Aesthetic

A Talk with The Black Aesthetic
Wed Apr 11, 2018

The Black Aesthetic is an Oakland-based artist collective of artists, writers, filmmakers and designers who curate film screenings and publish a journal of essays about black film and culture.

Jamal Batts
Ryanaustin Dennis
Malika “Ra” Imhotep
Zoé Samudzi
Leila Weefur

The Black Aesthetic is a creative organization, whose mission is to curate and assemble both a collective and distinct understanding of Black visual culture. We post the question: What is the Black aesthetic sensibility and what does it look like to you?

By working with artists, writers, filmmakers and designers, we cultivate work that asks our audience to consider their relationship to Black art. Based in Oakland, we are invested in developing a community who will participate and engage with our mission. When you support The Black Aesthetic, you are actively supporting a network of Black Artists. Through film screenings, publications and product development, we want to add to a growing collection of artistic visions that are grounded in place, body, lived-experience and are responsive to its respective environment.

A+D Wednesdays is a public lecture series embedded inside our Creative Gateway undergraduate course. The series exposes students and the public to a range of creative forms across the visual arts, performance, literature, film, and design. It introduces students and the community to our campus’s major museums, presenters, and academic departments, as well as to select Bay Area arts organizations and regional partners.

Arts + Design Wednesdays @ BAMPFA: Experiment and Exploration
In order better to serve our students and public and to gauge audience, we will now ask you to reserve a your seats in advance. Seats will be made available 10 days in advance of the talks on this website, social media platforms, and in the newsletters.

This series explores the exciting world of the Bay Area’s alternative, underground, and experimental media arts communities and the ways they have transformed contemporary art and media culture. Led by UC Berkeley Associate Professor of Film and Media Jeffrey Skoller, the series engages prominent media artists, curators, and critics to explore the idea of experimentalism in art as a risk-taking approach to creative expression and as a philosophical position that emphasizes art as process and invention over product and professional mastery.

Arts + Design Wednesdays @ BAMPFA is organized and sponsored by UC Berkeley’s Arts + Design Initiative in partnership with Big Ideas courses. In-kind support is provided by BAMPFA.

Berkeley Arts + Design


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