Bloomberg Technology
Feb.11 — President Donald Trump signed an executive order Monday directing the U.S. government to prioritize artificial intelligence in its research and development spending, OpenAI co-founder and Chief Technical Officer Greg Brockman and Bloomberg’s Ben Brody discuss on “Bloomberg Technology.”
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21 thoughts on “Trump Signs Order Prioritizing Artificial Intelligence Research”
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Soon the IQ in the white house will be infinitely higher than now…
"We important talent from all over the world" – exactly why I can't find a job or even an internship in AI, even with a Bachelors in Computer Science and Machine Learning Nano degree in San Francisco. Maybe they should look at the people living 10 minutes from your doorstep. So hard to even get a phone interview these days, even with career coaches and mentors.
All you Trumptards elected trump to keep your jobs and now trump signed a bill to take your jobs away.
China is going to win the race as long as this administrative is in office. We’re to busy trying to bring back coal jobs. ??♂️
central planning lol, what is wrong with the private investment that's already keeping the USA in the lead? wouldn't spending tax money on maintaining govt infrastructure assets that are currently crumbling into rust and rubble make more sense?
Open AI such kind of naïve liberal organization has helped Chinese companies to use American technology for free without barriers
This is why there is no such a naïve liberal technology organization in China that gives the technology to the world to use for free
US AI technology companies will lead the world and make more money in the world if there is no such liberal naïve organizations such as Open AI
Welp i guess i should take that AI CS Class I’ve been holding off on.
the race is on. sooo are we headIng towards HAL; Skynet; or Star Trek ?
The guided democracies and crony class wealthy are not coordinating technology race with the poor middle class they created, and they are underestimating decentralization of technology. Cyberpunk wars predicted.
Men dont want women looking at their porn data. Lol
Enslave the people.
AI is important, but we still need to take it carefully. Especially on policy. We need to control it to create great value for us rather than lose control of it. Especially it is processing our important data such as brain CT images, DNA, financial info. Efficienctly study it and DON'T LOSE CONTROL OF IT. Or it will become a disaster for us.
GMO food, mystery vaccinations, fluoridated water and those stupid TV shows have caused significant brain damage in the U.S. population. Good luck with China dudes.
they are already know what they are doing and when this is just political theater. AI automation is coming in the next few years to replace some of the workforce. It's really to get the ball rolling until more and more human workers are not needed. Not even coding as AI automation will be able to code and repair itself.
Emily is so sexy..Why so low views..Lol lol
Whoever can improve Trump's intelligence should win a noble prize.
Lol domestically china winning in implementation and in 5G-AI infrastructure
AI is insanity and is just another nail in the coffin. Smart technology for stupid people ?♂️
Blah , blah, blah what a annoying woman voice.