Doomsday Clock is a 2017 superhero comic book limited series published by DC Comics, being written by Geoff Johns, with art from penciller Gary Frank and colorist Brad Anderson.
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4:49 lol the green lanterns convo to the right
great vid once again rob! btw, people need to get over with things like watchmen was ruined, and that this is so uncharacteristic of dr. manhattan. like seriously, this stuff is pretty hype. dr. manhattan being part of the dc universe is actually pretty dope!
Wheres part 10 ?
The beyonder vs dr Manhattan
If the DDC brings back GA JSA. Will DDC acknowledge new 52 earth 2?…i didnr see kyle ryner…is he the heroes in crisis killer…
Man I’m disappointed because I’ve waited for such a long time for captain atom to meet dr manhattan.
Well then who the fuck do we put Dr. Manhattan up against in a Deathbattle?
Why are you all sucking Dr Manhattan dick? You do know there are being who can think him out of existence right? Lucifer the presence there are celestial wars going on as they fight Manhattan they're nothing to them so they let him be
Super Smash Bros Ultimate: EVERYONE IS HERE!
Doomsday Clock: Hold my beer.
When the fuck is part 10 coming????
I’m finally caught up to read #10 is a whole month away ????
I wonder if the Spectre could take Dr. Manhattan
Hi everyone, does anyone here read comics regularly? I’m trying to connect with new people to talk comics with. If so comment here. You can add me on Snapchat: earl_weaver44 or add me on instagram: kingearl44
So DC does have an unbeatable enemy movie to build up to to counter Marvel. If this is not what what tehy are leading up to idk honestly, doesn't even have to be Dr. M but atleast somebody to spice up the DCU
lol making magic not work was the laziest move by a writer ever
"Gross, he's hanging in the wind" LMAO
You say "like" too much. Found myself counting instead of paying attention to what you were saying
Blue junk.
10 needs to hurry up
Dude, quit it with the forced laughters…
When is doomsday clock 10?
If it was super man prime one million he'd maybe stand a chance
Collected the whole series, just read it but still love your channel so here is a view, I wanna know how you read it. Can’t wait for 10,11 and 12 to come oit
the strongest heroes vs Dr. Manhattan, that's very unfair…………..for them
What I want to know is, where is plastic man
Where is part 10?
Please someone count how many times he's said "like"
Who ia win in a fight dr manhattan vs gambit omega level or the fallen one sliver surfer and thor in one
Damn. Manhattan straight up pulled a Beerus and Hakai'd their asses.
The "original" SNAP
So who thought they could just challenge naked lad
Dr. Manhattan. :residentsleeper:
Guy Gardner references events from Dark Nights Metal, yet I thought this story took place in the 90's? Rob, any explanation?
Civil war knockoff. Once again DC comics five steps behind marvel. Such an obvious ripoff plot device. Suprised people can't see it. But then not so surprising after all.
Make another dr Manhattan vs classic dr strange
dude plz speak slowly
Fake marvel civil war
What if….it's not Dr. Manhattan who else could it be?
The artwork is grotesque