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Motion: What is Motion, Reference Point, Position, Point – STD IX: 01

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Motion: A body is said to be in motion if its position changes continuously w.r.t. the surroundings (or with respect to an observer) with the passage of time.

Rest: An object is said to be at rest if it does not change its position w.r.t. its surroundings with the
passage of time.

Frame of Reference: To locate the position of object we need a frame of reference. A convenient way to set up a frame of reference is to choose three mutually perpendicular axis and name them x-y-z axis. The coordinates (x, y, z) of the particle then specify the position of object w.r.t. that frame. If any one o more coordinates change with time, then we say that the object is moving w.r.t. this frame.

REST AND MOTION ARE RELATIVE TERMS: A, B and C are three persons. B and C are sitting in the car and A is standing outside it. When car starts to move, B and C are changing their position with respect to A so B and C are in motion with respect to A but
B is not changing its position with time with respect to C, so B is at rest with respect to C (same for C). Therefore motion depends on the position of the observer, hence motion is relative.


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