
Understanding Shadow Colors (Ambient Light Part 2)

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Apply realistic colors to your paintings. A lesson on how light bounces in shadow, creating mixtures of hue, saturation, and color blending.
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Marco Bucci


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31 thoughts on “Understanding Shadow Colors (Ambient Light Part 2)
  1. Stop the clock! Puzzle at 14:20 has been solved, and the prize has been awarded!
    In case you're curious, the sound is from 'Riven: The Sequel To Myst' (rotating room).

  2. Man you have by far the best painting lessons on youtube. This is on par with James Gurneys color and light but even better because it's all video. Art schools should rent these lessons from you. Seriously impressive

  3. Where was this info when I was at art school as a youngster? Professors were giving only directives, like do this and this. But NEVER explained why.
    From your videos I learned actually more than from my art school. Eventhough it was 20 years ago and I went for 3D art eventually…

  4. Very, very, very good!
    I know that.
    And only now I found this exactly true presentation. Thanks you for sharing.

  5. Thank you for the beautiful presentation on how colors and shadows work. Everything you say is very kinda eyeopening. The colorwheel you are using in this video is a bit off tho, cuz colors are all over the place. Like reds complementary color is green, so it should have been the opposite color on the colorwheel, but it's not. There is no right complementaries on this wheel. By the way what you are telling is legit and valid but on a right color wheel it would make more sense.

  6. One would think this stuff would be simple and obvious, yet my mind is completely blown. Your tutorials are easily the best on Youtube, well done!

  7. 0:20 recap previous video
    0:50 light interaction w/other color
    2:10 color theory
    5:00 example ball
    6:05 applying sunlight
    6:20 applying skylight
    7:30 color theory analysis
    8:00 bounce light
    10:50 ambient occlusion
    12:25 rendering software (blender0
    13:15 ball w/ surface
    14:30 ball w/ surface & wall
    15:30 sphere w/ planes
    16:00 #1
    16:55 #2
    18:40 #3
    20:10 outdoors ( 2 balls)
    22:45 study tips

  8. Really helpful. It makes sense of how light moves around objects and picks up colors from other nearby elements.
    Every art student needs to grasp this fundamental theory.
    Thanks and subbed.

  9. I know nobody came here to listening to science but for record
    White has all colors that's why it can deflect any color, it's full spectrum.
    White do not absorb any color.

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