Consciousness Videos

Hard problem of Consciousness

Julius Horsthuis

Consciousness is still a very difficult thing to understand, but we know it has something to do with the trillions of connections in our brains. Our Fractal brains. Because the grey matter has developed in a similar way as these visuals: very simple beginnings bring forth infinite complexity.
by Julius Horsthuis
renderd in Mandelbulb3d

music: “Ladakh” from Michael Stearns


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4 thoughts on “Hard problem of Consciousness
  1. Is your cat conscious? of course, maybe not self aware but still conscious. Now a cat brain is much less complex than a human brain, people need to remember scientists dont need to create a computer as complex as our brain in order to find out if they can bring about consciousness in a computer.

  2. I don't think that consciousness can be explained simply by chemical connections. Great job by the way; I really like the part at 3:18, like a shield raising or something.,

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