Consciousness Videos

There's You, Consciousness, The Multiverse, Reality, Agreement and How To Fix It


For more info on how to change it all, just learn how to do soul contract agreement revocations. Learn more abt this at And start today.


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19 thoughts on “There's You, Consciousness, The Multiverse, Reality, Agreement and How To Fix It
  1. Doubt, no matter how small can cause your armor to crack if you don't dodge it. If you build your immunity like a Honey Badger then you will be invincible.

  2. I've seen deloras cannon and your information tops all of them..including michael newton the hypnotherapist. read his book , robert monroe his book but nothing compares to the mind blowing descriptions you give us of the entities..of us as powerful beings..etc

  3. YOU need to be heard by millions..other speakers either will not or can not speak about the things that you teach..They do NOT teach what we are they talk about what They Can Do as if we can not and they are special ..this is the jist of ALL of the radio's not about us as a human race it is about..oh i had an nde and saw this but now you can buy my book .Period.

  4. crikey… its what everyone makes it to be ,and now that this version of the human family is at the door of the great gate ,the tipping point. to paraphrase "critical mass" why and what is everyone waiting for? we have the power to kill the 'fear" and just do it

  5. Oh yeah! I was going to mention Kelli in the Raw as she has so many viewers. One of my favorites, TruthSeekah, has been on her program 2 or 3 times.

  6. I absolutely loved this video, Rich. Great approach and format – I love your videos in general, though. I can certainly vouch for the soul contract agreement course: I start my new joy – ha! I mean "job"!! – I swear I typed "joy" by mistake; Freudian slip) on 11/30. 🙂 …It isn't all just about new jobs, but that particular life change (being able to move out of my undesired job all of a sudden after almost 4 years of trying without success,) was mind-blowing for me.

    As to reality & how flexible/malleable it is and all that…. I've really started to deconstruct a lot of it. Just like… Well, a VERY small example: In the 50s & early 60s, there was a fashion RULE that went "you must never wear pink and orange together; they CLASH". Everyone I knew bought this completely. It was just the "truth", a "fact" – that particular color combo was very unlikable, hard on the eyes, unthinkable, really. Well, by the late 60s, pink & orange were being combined in clothing, decor, etc. everywhere and this continues today. So a "TRUTH", a "fact" went totally out the window. It had nothing to do with our eyes, or with what was inherently pleasing. Somebody just made something up at some point in time – and it "stuck" – due to agreement! Everyone just agreed that "Yup. Orange plus pink equals wrong".

    I've started to see almost everything in that light. It's all just made up!!! I read an article today about the "Coywolf" – a sort of new species that is a wolf/coyote/domestic dog combo. At the end of the article, this science writer wrote, "After all, 'species' is just a CONCEPT THAT HUMAN BEINGS MADE UP"!
    Can you imagine a scientist saying that in public in the 1940s? I think humanity is truly awakening (at least that's sort of MY reality! lol…) and even scientists are beginning to say we're making it up, or "matter isn't there until you look at it", etc.

    Anyway, thanks so much to you and Linda for the video. It really felt like a "sharing" and I sort of needed that tonight. 🙂

  7. love you Rich!!You remind me of my dad with your words of wisdom and knowledge truly one of a kind! keep them coming :0)

  8. Yeah, this was good. I love all your soul contract revocation videos and have watched them all, sometimes more than once. I signed up for your course and am going through it slowly. I think I have an agreement to not work on myself/improve my life? I attract the best solutions, but actually getting myself to use them is like pulling teeth. I think this soul contract stuff is the key tho so hopefully when I start unraveling them other things will become easier.

    I'd love to see you on Kelli in the Raw, she did a video with Eric Raines and Lynn Williams the other day. They do implant removals for people. I actually heard about him in the comments section of one of your other videos and went to check him out. I think your contract removals complement implant removal work so it'd be cool if she interviewed you too. She also has a large viewership base I think so this could help a lot of people. 🙂

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