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45 thoughts on “Steven Pinker: How Tribal Politics Can Make You An Idiot
  1. Human egos are so big they fail to grasp their insignificance just in the local galaxy, let alone the physical universe. So, they try and 'own' things and the major 'problems' as they see it. A Human life is the equivalent of lighting a match in the universe. Blink and you'll miss it. Deluding yourselves that you're responsible for the warming of the earth will bite you in the arse when a cooling trend suddenly freezes the life out of you overnight.

  2. Tribalism is only a problem if your fundamental premise is that everyone has to live with each other, particularly under one vast, centralized State power. We don't and we can't. To even try it requires, ironically, unimaginable brutality. Accept tribalism. It's ok.

  3. The GOP was not against slavery. The GOP was ready to institute slavery into the Constitution via the Corwin Amendment. No one gave a fuck about Black people outside of few abolitionists both North and South.

  4. Liberals are looney as phukk… Joe the shill Rogan has many liberal friends and they control his financial future. So what do you expect joe shilling that the right is as looney as the left… Stoopid propaganda and your justification for carbon taxing the future concerning global warming sucks donkey dong bro. Joe is becoming like the comments he calls toxic Joe the toxic podcast Rogan

  5. anytime a jew speaks there should always be a disclaimer. how does a group go to so many different countries and in every single one maintain there racial identity without being racist? this guy is just a racist jew. he is internationalist and like all jews is loyal only to jewish interests. he hates white people. he hates black people. he hates asian people. like all jews he hates any people that are not jews. read the book of joshua in the bible and see how they treated the people of canaan. they attacked their towns and murdered all the men, women and children and the bible excuses this because it says "god" told them to do this. sometimes they would murder all the men and enslave the women and children. "god" said this was good according to the filthy bible (read it if you doubt). their passover celebrates the death of every first born of egypt (how is this acceptable in this day and age). how can group that self identifies as the chosen people not be racist?

  6. It's easy to make that point when you pigeon hole people into tribes. None of those topics are black and white, or proven by science.

  7. In highschool, tribal pressure forced me to "automatically subscribe" to global cooling, as "settled science".
    Later my child in college was forced by the tribe to "automatically subscribe" to global warming, as "settled science".
    The world didn't comply with the models (theories) so now the tribe is forcing members to "automatically subscribe" to "climate change" as "settled science".

    All of these political movements demanded massive government solutions, moving (stealing?) massive resources and wealth to fix, theories.
    To this day the tribe avoids revealing how they factor in the oceans and the sun.
    To this day the tribe avoids revealing the status of the sensors they are using to pull in raw data.
    Over the years there have been several incidents where the tribe's "experts" have been caught in fraud, fraud apparently to benefit the "theory".

    So JR, someone on the right pushes back, and your concern is it might be a hasty conclusion. Wow. This implies your default is what I described above.

  8. Pinker (Paraphrased) "Trump promised to repeal the Johnson Amendment".
    Presidents are in the Administrative Branch, not the Legislative or Judicial Branch.

  9. I think that if we've changed the weather, it's probably through deforestation. Trees work as air conditioners on hot days, drawing water from deep underground and evaporating it from their leaves to cool themselves. The world's forests are now a patchwork of clearcuts, and I'm pretty sure it has changed the weather. Does that make me left or right?

  10. Had to stop at Trump is a right winger. Seems way more as to what he was first running as just band with the other enemy to get inside and fix stupid shit both sides have messed up for ages. His grip about climate change is not what this tickturd and many other tickturds say. This asshat sounds like all MSM about the subject and smart people know he doesn't like throwing taxpayers money into an accord that makes no sense. He believes in keeping the money here to fight it. Say what you want or will, parrot the fools MSM bait

  11. Vladimir Putin's rhetoric has been changing the Western 'right wing's opinion of Russia for a decade or so. Trump was just a vehicle for flipping a perpetually opposed political binary.

  12. Bringing up the party switch is automatically discrediting. Until someone can provide an example other than the bullshit "the democrats used to be racist" gag. 100 years after the civil war, through the days of the democrat controlled Klan and the democrat imposed Jim Crow laws, republicans were still voting far more in favor of civil rights legislation.

  13. All it is finally all explained by the two extremes of male pattern baldness! Then you find out things like Oprah’s dogs could inherit $30 million dollars or that there are some people who reuse condoms.

  14. Gotta love how you need to be a scientist to opine on climate change but they can freely just say whatever about Christianity like they know anything. They have no idea when it comes to that but they just super impose their assumptions

  15. Both of your examples refer a small number of uneducated cowardly selfish persons thankfully. I deal with large numbers of peple in my work.The majority of people are not the Group Think people you are describing. Where do you meet these people that your referring to ?

  16. Problem I see with US is that you have only two parties. I think that might be the reason why you seem to have people with the mindset of Anakin "if you aren't with me then you are against me"
    One thing that I also find interesting is that at least in Europe where I live left is pretty much for the richer people and right is for not so rich folks. So it has shifted.

  17. 'Americans' like to look for reasons to be 'entitled' to be upset at customers, co-workers, and neighbors, as work ethic, skills, accountability, customer service, and cooperation are taboo concepts, REGARDLESS of one's ethnicity, or whether one is "liberal", or "conservative".

  18. People in the comment section just dismissed his argument based on his race. Then they whine for being labelled neo-Nazis and their accounts being banned on social media. smh

  19. 6:00 6:12 I think I follow the narrative here. They are talking about don't believe left or right ideas without studying for yourself but I think they are both leaning towards left views. There is an underlying condescending tone toward right views here.

  20. I find it fascinating that joe is fully on board with man made climate change and dismisses any other opion about it. The same guy that has had scientists on that have shown the earth has been changing 2 degrees celsius warmer or colder since forever.

  21. Right wing is against globalization when it comes to people and migration, they're ok with economic globalization, free trade, global investments, etc…

  22. Joe's initial point: Tribalists often use a single, potentially neutral, belief/position as a basis for labeling people left or right.
    Remaining discussion: People that hold this or that belief, which we recognize as being a poor predictor of left/right orientation in the past (i.e. potentially neutral), belong to the left or right.

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