CSCI Tutorials
Animated example of Minimax (Naïve): 03:03
Minimax (Naïve) psuedocode walkthrough: 13:23
Animated example of Minimax (AlphaBeta): 26:23
Minimax (AlphaBeta) psuedocode walkthrough: 35:09
Minimax Psuedocode
Alpha-beta Pruning Psuedocode
Game Tree Video Lecture (Indian Institute of Technology)
CS 161 Recitation Notes – Minimax with Alpha Beta Pruning (University of California, Los Angeles)
How many Tic-Tac-Toe (noughts and crosses) games are possible?
Strategies and Tactics for Intelligent Search
An Exhaustive Explanation of Minimax, a Staple AI Algorithm
Additional Resources
Game Visualization (Minimax Java Applet)
Demo: minimax game search algorithm with alpha-beta pruning (HTML5 Applet)
thanks! you're speaking my language 😉
This video was tremendously helpful, thank you so much! I'm a huge fan of numerical, slow examples of these methods/algorithms.
Watched this during my mid term, made sure to watch it during my finals. Thanks 😀
Very good explanation, I wrote a 300-line chess AI based on this video 🙂
Thank you, the most helpful among them all!
What if the branching factor where greater than 2. For example, if each node had more than 2 children. If the pruning condition was met after returning from the first child, would the remaining 2 branches be pruned?
What if the branching factor where greater than 2. For example, if each node had more than 2 children. If the pruning condition was met after returning from the first child, would the remaining 2 branches be pruned?
You can't explain alpha better in a simpler/better way. If you don't get this vid you won't get it at all. Well done, thanks!
Best explanation !
Thanks a lot, this video helps me understand alpha-beta pruning, but friend, your psuedocode of alpha-beta pruning is wrong, we should still define local variable bestValue in the if statement, and return bestValue to the upper level, not directly of max(alpha, …) neither min(beta, …). Ref:
thank you prof
thx men
You help me to got 50 marks soo easily thankyou
even me I understood Yesssss !!!
Excellent explanation simple and precise. Thanks for putting in the effort
This is the only explanation of alpha beta pruning I've found that actually helped my understand it. Thank you very much.
Thank you! The AlphaBeta Pruning example is clear, clean and detailled. It was very easy to understand.
You're such a pro! nice tutorial dude!
By far the best, simplest and detailed explanation on the subject – thank you!
Very good explanation 🙂 Thank you so much!
You are the best!
how did you get the values for leaf nodes?
nice 🙂
pseudocodes, pseudo codes instead psuedocodes!!!
Finally! I have wasted tone of time to their crap videos. Guys that's the one that you looking for!
Alpha-Beta starts: 26:18
This is the only alpha-beta lecture that helped the concept stick, thanks!