Consciousness Videos

The Process of Intimacy – #intimacy #consciousness #trust #relationships #privacy

Conscious Reality Creator

Welcome to Conscious Reality Creator!

This is the first time in history a human being can consciously create their reality. With that opportunity comes the power to exponentially grow and heal. Rick is a practicing shaman and metaphysician who is passionate about making maps to allow others to find their way back Home. Andrew Thompson and Elizabeth Jackson studied one-on-one with Rick and transitioned to becoming close friends and business partners. We are choosing to create intimacy by making this channel to help others shift and create their reality more powerfully.

To learn more about Rick, click the link below:
“Beyond a Near Death Experience, Transcending the Physical”

0:23 “7 Steps of Intimacy – The Process for Building Significant Relationships”

15:02 “Imaginative Meditation – How the Law of Attraction Really Works”



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2 thoughts on “The Process of Intimacy – #intimacy #consciousness #trust #relationships #privacy
  1. Hi Rick, I really enjoy your videos very interesting take on the afterlife.
    After watching many of your videos and listening to your podcast I have a few questions.

    1) most people who have NDE are vastly different than yours , you explained it's because you actually died and went to the other side and they were in between two worlds.
    Is it possible everyone's death experience is personalized?
    Some people claim to have met god, others Jesus or even Hell, is this just a reflection of their earthly beliefs?

    2) you mentioned on the other side everyone has a higher self doing their own thing watching over them many selves in the physical realm.
    Were you interacting with them as this was going on? Is this their main purpose to watch over the physical world?

    3) you said most conscious beings have never been to the physical realm and we are bad asses for being here. What is the reason most conscious beings haven't been here?

    4) will the physical realm always exist? Is there a timeline to it? What happens when everyone becomes spiritual adults?

    I could ask many more questions but I will leave it there, thanks.

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