
Semiotic Modalities (j.Greimas) to Semiotics of Quantum Biology “How the Brain Mechanism Function”

Semiotic and Discourse Analysis Laborator

It is an honor for us to participate in this scientific conference, Benghazi Lab for Semiotics and Discourse Analysis, so your works is a hope for the future of mankind. So we believe that: “Science is the last lifeline ..!”
Unfortunately, we were unable to be with you because of the civil war that is ravaging our countr. The world is going through a dangerous juncture at the crossroads between the future of human development and total destruction.
We are honored to have participated in this scientific conference, as your work is a hope for the future of humanity. Science is the last lifeline ..! ”
Unfortunately, we have not been able to exist among you because of the civil war that is ravaging our country .. We are only a focus of mankind’s war in the face of future challenges. Which we will explain in our approach, descriptive inferential …
• IBM, New York, May 4, 2016 announced: It will provide, for the first time, an opportunity for individuals to interact with the first platform that allows users to run algorithms and experiments on the “Quantum Computer” processor.
With this, we are today about to launch a new “conceptual era” regarding how to create new thinking mechanisms for the human brain (Brain), after several “times” of cognitive divisions and “eras” of impressive developments in human thought. Not only in terms of the “revolution of communication and exchange of information”, but also of how humans will think in the future, and in the biological sense of the brain (Brain) as well.
Or we are on the verge of a great explosion in the areas of artificial intelligence. Not only in the areas of the development of computers, communications and travel, but also in how to address solutions to the problems of the development of the medical, pharmaceutical and consumer commercial industries, in addition to the problems of “production of meaning, communication between mankind.” The traditionalists, as Thomas Kon Pradem puts it: “Old Crisis”, are incoherent and irrelevant:
Chaos, Quantum Biology (Christof Koch, NCC: Neural Correlates of Consciousness) and Bio Semiotics (Molecular organism), Cybersemiotics Søren Brier and Dynamic semiotics (Wildgen, Andersen), Dynamic Quantum Logic (Baltag, Smets), Quantum mechanics) Peter Shor, Charles Bennett
So that we can establish what we suggest as Quantum Biosemiotics
Or “artificial intelligence,” or productive and fruitful cooperation between the quantum computer and the human brain, or “quantum biology” and how brain mechanisms work (Brain). (How ..?)
Or, in a nutshell, frankly, and in one word, mysterious and frightening, why this dazzling and terrifying scientific achievement, “Quantum Biology”, will lead to how the new Brain mechanisms work … the process of how semiosis and the quantum thinking strategy will be produced. (How?)
From the language of identity (dual-value, zero-one) (a is a), from the coordinate system * to another “only and different” coordinate system, in favor of the values ​​of possible multiplicity and possible diversity. Or, more precisely, thinking about all the possibilities “at the same time”, the simultaneous network of probabilities. (How?)
 (Is there another meaning for the word “freedom”?), Free, independent, individual and qualitative thinking ..?
Classical science, including the science of semiotics, is a very precise and precise system, but it also cannot answer such questions:
How can racism be religious and fundamentalist at the same time? (Religious Wars in Europe and the American Civil War). The easiest answer is that this racist thinking, or religious terrorism, in our contemporary concept today: hypocritical and wrong, but it will not lead to a negligible result, or it may even exacerbate the conflict.
Is there another meaning for the instinct to persist in the type, possession of value (grimas)?
On the other hand, on the level of the phenomenon:
The importance of distinguishing between “phenomenon”, in the physical sense, and concepts as “similar” (Simulacra).
The standard language strategy cannot distinguish sufficiently, in the physical sense, between the “phenomenon” and the scientific “approach”. As the phenomenon is greater than it is contained in any approach, whatever the theoretical and procedural degree of accuracy ..!
The standard language: “the language of certainty”, no doubt, right or wrong, real or false..etc, to the strategy of “the language of the quantum and the cossus” is the language of the possible and the probable, (The distinction between the concepts is very important: Simulation, Mimesis, and Semiosis)
How is the thinking of the “brains” of children violated from their innate predisposition to genius? Or how is their Molecular organism prepared?
How is meaning produced in children? Within the “science and learning” strategy ..?
 Will “the language of the quantum and the cow” end this miserable (binary) chapter “natural” and “industrial” languages ​​..?
 Will it be the “natural” language of the “human” project in the qualitative, one-off, non-recurring discourse ..! .


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