
Requiem for the American Dream

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REQUIEM FOR THE AMERICAN DREAM is the definitive discourse with Noam Chomsky, widely regarded as the most important intellectual alive, on the defining characteristic of our time – the deliberate concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a select few. Through interviews filmed over four years, Chomsky unpacks the principles that have brought us to the crossroads of historically unprecedented inequality – tracing a half-century of policies designed to favor the most wealthy at the expense of the majority – while also looking back on his own life of activism and political participation. Profoundly personal and thought provoking, Chomsky provides penetrating insight into what may well be the lasting legacy of our time – the death of the middle class and swan song of functioning democracy. A potent reminder that power ultimately rests in the hands of the governed, REQUIEM is required viewing for all who maintain hope in a shared stake in the future.


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25 thoughts on “Requiem for the American Dream
  1. No socialist can appreciate the American Dream because the American Dream has nothing to do with what the government, or anyone else, should give you.

  2. For years I have been trying to explain to people how I had been forced into the mental health system and then the penal system and then finally onto welfare most likely for life because there are zero economic opportunities and zero decent jobs for smart high school graduates here in America! All other people do is ignore me or try to contradict me or call me names or tell me some propaganda line about supposed laziness verses supposed hard work. I know what they are saying is lies and nonsense, and I have come to the conclusion that the population has been thoroughly brainwashed. Their goal in being abusive to me when I make my reasonable arguments is to try to make me feel like I am completely alone in my plight. They want to do this because making their victims feel alone has always been the modus operandi of the Nazi brainwashing method. However, this brainwashing method does not work on me because I have always been alone socially.

    I will watch this documentary called "Requiem for the American Dream" because I think it will shed some light on how and why the population has been thoroughly brainwashed to never listen to any reasonable arguments. I do not believe there is much hope that anyone who has been brainwashed can ever be de-brainwashed, but it can't hurt to know more about why this brainwashing has been done.

    I will not read any replies to this post due to the hostility, ignorance, and lies of others. If anyone has any legitimate questions or comments they can post something on one of my videos.

  3. No rich person is truly self-made. Look at the example of Trump. He claimed to be self-made and he claimed that all he ever got was a loan of one million dollars. Now we know that hundreds of millions of dollars were transferred to him using shady methods to avoid paying any gift or inheritance taxes. Even if someone was not given millions, chances are that they were given extra-ordinary opportunities or other support that comes from being privileged and having connections.

    I will never read any replies due to other people's hostility.

  4. Why is Unites States set up so that the zip code you reside in determines what school your children will attend. Why are home taxes mostly used for the schools in that zip code. So if you live in a poverty stricken and high crime area, your children will get the worst American education it can provide. Without equal education in the USA for grades 1-8 at least—the poor areas have the worst school system in the USA. A fact, I lived it, I seen it. If you let someone use their zip code one can go to jail for 45 years. A mother should have the right to equal education and want the hoods to shrink, education is the way out. #education

  5. Chomsky puts things into a perspective most American's don't care nor even entertain the thought to explore. Instead the majority of people love to be blissfully ignorant and accept things as they are as "the norm" when in fact we can have a better system that actually works for all instead of the ones at the top. Just look at the comments in this thread and how ignorant they are, lacking any substance for most and you can tell they don't have the ability to slightly digest something different than the lies they've been fed since birth about how "great" America is. Useful idiots plain and simple, and by that I mean they are politically inept and lack the knowledge and understanding of how America really works even when videos like this and many others out there outline this in great detail.

  6. I can understand people feeling like tribal loyalty is more important than justice for all. It is much easier to accomplish and you can continue to delude yourself your not completely and utterly powerless AND tell others you are a good loyal person. The whole country was founded on the Master – Slave relationship. The Slave Masters have raised the ante people. We better come up with something better than infighting if we are going to make it out alive.

  7. I think that whomever actually runs this country behind the scenes did NOT like the prosperity of the 1950's and 1960's – normal, ordinary, hardworking, Americans were able to have nice lives with a home, a car, and a full time job with benefits, healthcare, vacations, sick days, and retirement funds. This was not to last. The people who experienced the prosperity of the period I am referring to were content and happy – and somebody didn't like this. The only way evil and greed can prosper is to have a disenfranchised, unhappy populace that you can manipulate and tamper with – we have that now. After John Kennedy and his brother Robert Kennedy were gotten out of the way we saw a slow undoing of what I call "The American Dream". And this was planned. Now we've got nothing but chaos – if you want to control people you keep them unhappy and wanting. And the statement that business is losing control over society gave me the chills.

  8. Don't watch this drivel. In the first three minutes, he makes several, incorrect assertions. I reject his false premises on their face. He's simply a bitter curmudgeon, a member of the of 1% elite he supposedly despises. Preach what your practice, Noam, then you'll be worth listening to.

  9. This is almost funny. It sounds like this guy proposes going back to comunism. Wasn't that tried and failed? If it was so good, why the countries that lived under it never went back?

  10. Corporations need to start paying for the roads, bridges, airports, utilities that keep thier profits going, along with paying workers a living wage.

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