
Elon Musk: Tesla Autopilot | Artificial Intelligence (AI) Podcast

Lex Fridman

Elon Musk is the CEO of Tesla, SpaceX, Neuralink, and a co-founder of several other companies. This is our first conversation on the podcast. The second one can be watched here: This conversation is part of the Artificial Intelligence podcast. The series includes leading researchers in academia and industry, including CEO’s and CTO’s of automotive, robotics, AI, and technology companies. See the comments I make in the introduction to this video below in text form.

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Podcast transcript:

0:00 Introduction
2:35 Start of conversation: Autopilot motivation
4:01 Display the vehicle’s perception of the driving scene
7:11 Algorithms, data, and hardware development
10:23 Edge cases and common cases in driving
12:18 Navigate on Autopilot
13:57 Hardware and software path toward fully autonomy
17:08 Driver supervision of Autopilot
20:13 Human side of Tesla Autopilot (driver functional vigilance)
23:13 Driver monitoring
24:30 Operational design domain
26:57 Securing Autopilot against adversarial machine learning
28:29 Narrow AI and artificial general intelligence
30:10 Physics view of love
31:53 First question for an artificial general intelligence system

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Comments Made in Video Introduction:

This conversation is part of the artificial intelligence podcast. The series includes leading researchers in academia and industry, including CEO’s and CTO’s of automotive, robotics, AI, and technology companies.

This conversation happened after the release of the paper from our group at MIT on driver functional vigilance during use of Tesla’s Autopilot. The Tesla team reached out to me offering a podcast conversation with Mr Musk. I accepted, with full control of questions I could ask and choice of what is released publicly. I ended up editing out nothing of substance.

I’ve never spoken with Elon before this conversation, publicly or privately. Neither he nor his companies have any influence on my opinions nor on the rigor and integrity of the scientific method that I practice in my position at MIT. Tesla has never financially supported my research. I’ve never owned a Tesla vehicle. I’ve never owned Tesla stock.

This podcast is not a scientific paper, it is a conversation. I respect Elon as I do all other leaders and engineers I’ve spoken with. We agree on some things and disagree on others. My goal as always with these conversations is to understand the way the guest sees the world.

One particular point of disagreement in this conversation was the extent to which camera-based driver monitoring will improve outcomes and for how long it will remain relevant for AI-assisted driving. As someone who works on and is fascinated by human-centered AI, I believe that if implemented and integrated effectively, camera-based driver monitoring is likely to be of benefit in both the short-term and the long-term. In contrast, Elon and Tesla’s focus is on the improvement of Autopilot such that its statistical safety benefits override any concern of human behavior and psychology.

Elon and I may not agree on everything, but, I deeply respect the engineering and innovation behind the efforts that he leads. My goal here is to catalyze a rigorous, nuanced, and objective discussion in industry and academia on AI-assisted driving, one that ultimately makes for a safer and better world.


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49 thoughts on “Elon Musk: Tesla Autopilot | Artificial Intelligence (AI) Podcast
  1. This was an insightful discussion on various aspects of Tesla Autopilot that I hope catalyzes further nuanced conversation on the future of AI-assisted driving. Starts at 2:35. The full outline of the video is as follows:

    0:00 Introduction

    2:35 Start of conversation: Autopilot motivation

    4:01 Display the vehicle's perception of the driving scene

    7:11 Algorithms, data, and hardware development

    10:23 Edge cases and common cases in driving

    12:18 Navigate on Autopilot

    13:57 Hardware and software path toward fully autonomy

    17:08 Driver supervision of Autopilot

    20:13 Human side of Tesla Autopilot (driver functional vigilance)

    23:13 Driver monitoring

    24:30 Operational design domain

    26:57 Securing Autopilot against adversarial machine learning

    28:29 Narrow AI and artificial general intelligence

    30:10 Physics view of love

    31:53 First question for an artificial general intelligence system

  2. Elon: By 2021, human involvement will become a negative influence.

    Lex: But all our research ….Oh f^7k!

    Literally, a car crash of an interview.
    Savvy investors will have noted the ebullience of the 'Game, Set & Match for TESLA' assessment and the competition should be petrified like victims of the Serpent of Slytherin.

  3. The information it is very interesting and completing. I loved it idea the how implementing the AI en the cars, besides the safety in addition to the security that Elon provides with his arguments. It's incredible how revolution the world with advances, the human has managed to create a series of algorithms that allow him to carry out autonomous activities.

  4. I had to rewind a few times. Some of the stuff here is beyond my comprehension, but I found it fascinating that you have to “crop” the Tesla vehicles in order to use them in self driving tech, order for the computer to recognize to advancement you no longer have to crop

  5. I would love to see Lex and Elon meet with Darryl Anka who channels Bashar who shares with us very relevant information that is discussed here and also rather ironic that we are creating technology that simulates our natural state of being that resonates with All that is in creation energy which we are all an aspect of natural creation energy that we all have access to whatever we need or desire via Synchronicity which is the First Principals mode of operation of Bashars Species that he shares with us on the way to First Contact which he specializes in… That would be an awesome meeting 😁

  6. Elon: ”what’s outside the simulation” So he is 100% sure that we are living in a simulation. He is not asking if we are as a first question but rather what is outside this simulation.

  7. What Elon says around 31:00 onwards might be applicable to the question of the simulation, and given their background it's understandable that's the implication they identify. However, there's no functional distinction between this and "God". Elon has essentially articulated a test to try and disprove the existence of God, which, according to humanity's current capacity, we cannot.

    This is an incredibly profound model Elon has articulated, but I think it flew over almost everyone's heads.

  8. Lex, I am writing this comment and not quite finished with this portion of the interview but in your questions about "edge" issues with self-driving, you didn't ask him about his systems abilities during inclement weather like heavy rain, fog or snowfall or icy roads. For a visual-based system clear weather is ideal but how the system operates in less than visual ideal conditions is another.

  9. I'm an 18 wheeler, 40 ton truck, in the right hand lane which is the transition lane on the freeway, (Traffic inbound and outbound on the freeway). By law 18 wheelers' are required to stay in the right hand lane (slower traffic keep right) . So, I am moving along at 55 MPH and traffic to my left is moving 65 mph in near bumper to bumper fashion, preventing me from moving into the lane to my left. Now here comes clueless driver, on the cell phone, totally oblivious, entering the freeway in the on ramp at 55 mph, parallel to my right. Remember, I can't move over due to traffic on my left. (This is where clueless drivers entering the freeway get mad at big trucks) Now we are at the point where the on ramp lane converges with the right hand lane and Mr. Parnelli Jones comes darting around the front of my truck from my left to get in the right hand lane, (God forbid he has to get behind my 18 wheeler and wait 30 seconds to position his vehicle in the right hand lane). Now at this point, we have three vehicles all trying to occupy the same space at the same time. The 18 wheeler will maintain position and speed because when the collision occurs the 18 wheeler has no fault. (Was doing nothing wrong) – This scenario is what troubles me most about AI controlling vehicles… please program them to stay away from big trucks … please.

  10. Very interesting discussion! Thank you. If I may, regarding Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), in comparison to Human Intelligence, A.I. has a computational advantage, but lacks the emotional or feeling component. Recent neuroscience (D'Amasio, also Spinoza), indicates that human intelligence, or perhaps fully functional rationality, requires 'feelings' or emotion (e.g., likes, dislikes, loves, hates, etc.), to be fully effective or complete. Hence, individuals lacking the emotional function due to brain injury are unable to choose, for example, which restaurant to visit for dinner because all they can do is compare various attributes; without a Like or Dislike capacity, persons are unable to choose which restaurant they 'want' to go to. Arguably, therefore, until computers also acquire an emotional component, or perhaps a biological component, wherein likes, dislikes, loves, hates, pleasures, pains, hunger, satiety, etc., are part of the overall 'computation' process, then A.I. will not truly be 'intelligent.' All things considered then, from this perspective, while A.I. will be able to arrive at 'solutions' in accordance with algorithms and/or problem solving activity, the intangible characteristic of 'intelligence' (i.e., achieving independent wants, dislikes, desires, aversions, etc.), will still be absent until a biological component (cyborg?), is part of the computational process.

  11. THANKYOU ELON MUNSK FOR RUINING THE NIGHT SKY FOR EVERYONE!!! These satellites have turned out to be far more reflective than anyone, even SpaceX engineers, expected. Before Starlink, there were about 200 objects in orbit around Earth that could be seen with the unaided eye. In less than a year, SpaceX has added another 240. “These are brighter than probably 99 percent of existing objects in Earth orbit right now,” says Pat Seitzer, a professor emeritus at the University of Michigan who studies orbital debris.

  12. Hello Lex. I came from Joe Rohan and I think you are a really great guy.

    Improving podcast points :

    – go straight to the conversation.
    – leave the highlights at the end.
    – include the pre-conversation footages: greeting the guest etc..

    Good luck.

  13. I was surprised that you felt the need to explain/define over several minutes why you did this interview. Why can't we just watch & listen without any pre-conditioning?

  14. It was interesting listening to Elon, but Lex, you really need to get your shit together as currently you come across as a shy, young boy. Elon got you the like, not you.

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