
A.I. Robot Slays Boeing Machinist

Twisted Truth

Last Wednesday, a Boeing machinist working on a 777 was accidentally slain by an Artificial Intelligence “robot” while riveting fuselage panels, said a Boeing engineer speaking under condition of anonymity. According to him, the AI apparatus swiveled in the wrong direction and fired a narrow-focused laser beam directly at the machinist’s forehead, killing him instantly. The beam, which is designed to penetrate steel, punched a hole through his skull and dissipated on contact with a wall on the far side of the hanger.
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25 thoughts on “A.I. Robot Slays Boeing Machinist
  1. Remjnds me of the 29 people killed in japan couple yrs back by 4 ai bots being built in a lab. After the last bot was completeand they were being checked out, they became independently functional and killed 29 lab techs. The last bot taken down was in midst of downloading sensitive military info via satelite. So these are stories we hear of. Wonder how many we dont. .

  2. anything you can dream is already a reality..wake up everyone..we are in the space age and have been over 50 years probably more term in tater…lol I AINT SCARED!!

  3. Sadly those in power feel they are in a race with China to Ai supremacy. We can't compete, China is strapping 6 year olds into Ai headgear that monitors their every thought, movement all day long, then sharing the data with numerous companies. They have no worries about Read/Write or human rights.

  4. No one can really KNOW for sure if A.I.'s will begin to to believe that humans aren't necessary to continue as a species & so they may want to KILL at their own wills since they are capable of continually learning FAR MORE than humans since they can continue to evolve in knowledge faster than humans since computers can store & retain & process more knowledge of good & EVIL than humans are capable of at same speed. They are NOT a good thing for humanity!! They aren't NATURAL & NOT meant to be created for humanity!! They have proven that A.I.'s can think for themselves NOT A GOOD THING AT ALL-***BUT I believe they are NOT thinking for themselves BUT for demonic entities that can control them since they are SOUL-LESS machines & can be possessed by demonic entities!!! Satan & the Fallen Angels are LOVING how EASY it is to control the mechanics of the these things & their creators!!!😥 MOST Scientists are IGNORANT atheists that have NO MORAL COMPASS in their conscience!!! They are easily possessed themselves by demons for that very reason!! It is all in Satan's plans to destroy humanity. Praise God that Jesus Christ- the Living God & Savior is returning to DESTROY EVERY form if Evil in this world VERY SOON! Hallelujah!!!😍

  5. Maybe the Robot was showing him what it to actually be Mindless, and I'm guessing Now No One Else will Complain out loud about loosing there job to a mindless Automaton again…

  6. Just Because the employees sign a paper of company's policy, does not mean its legal to cancel their employ
    How many jobs or live's lost, will it take to put a end to this AI R-evolution? About 7 Billion!!! (Not Joking!!!)

  7. With all due respect.. What a riveting story, lost his head, inspecting the quality in production, what was the last thing going through his mind, when he stuck his head, in the way before shutting it off ? Poor guy couldn't have imagined this… would be laser lights out for him… hole e cow this is a mind blowing, riveting reason not to walk into the light!!

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