Consciousness Videos

Dr Jeffrey M Schwartz 'You are not your brain' at Mind & Its Potential 2011

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You are not your brain
• How does the brain work? What happens in an overactive brain circuit?
• Why do we so often feel besieged by bad brain wiring?
• Is it possible to free ourselves from destructive thoughts and actions and to change bad habits for good?
• How to identify and work with negative brain impulses
• Making your brain work for you — the 4-Step solution for changing bad habits, ending unhealthy thinking, and taking control of your life
Dr Jeffrey M Schwartz, leading neuroplasticity researcher and coauthor of the just released You Are Not Your Brain and the groundbreaking books Brain Lock and The Mind and the Brain; Department of Psychiatry, UCLA School of Medicine, USA


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49 thoughts on “Dr Jeffrey M Schwartz 'You are not your brain' at Mind & Its Potential 2011
  1. Amazing guy. I've had severe OCD intrusive thoughts. Using mindfulness and his 4 step method. I live a much better quality of life now. Always live and reach for your higher self. Not your pain body or deceptive brain messages.

  2. what about obsessions of not able to do one thing.For Example if I have an obsession that I will not do wrong to show others but after reading about EX/RP I think I should do wrong behaviour to stop the obsession.What about obsessions of perfectionism ,reading ocd,doing somthing in a very hyperfocused manner to do it right!

  3. I don't have obsessive thoughts. But I perform mental compulsive checking when i leave my house (keys, phone, money, keys, phone, money, and so on and so on), and I also count numbers. Does anyone else here have the same symptoms?

  4. For me it's hard to focus my attention, my brains drains me in its loop all the time and it's hard to be focused, I struggle all the time to Pe as present as I can but it's really hard work

  5. Yet another mass gun shooting today in USA. Today it was a yoga student and doctor. Please help yourselves America. Definitely some massive rewiring needed here. Is this Anthony Robbins dad? So many experts yet such a lost bunch of bananas.

  6. I'm sure this is interesting for people with OCD or other similar issues, but most people don't have this issue, so I wonder how universal these concepts are. I don't obsess or get addicted, so I can't see how it would apply to people like me. It does kind of make me feel sorry for people whose brains are wired this way, but I'm sure there are compensations in terms of creativity or productivity.

  7. "You Are Not Your Brain" is a wonderful and helpful book! Everyone suffers from some level of deceptive harmful brain messages. This book explains how to deal with them.

  8. You are a Mind not a brain or body. If you truly understand this ' truly ' understand this you will be free and have a wonderful outlook on reality.

  9. This yoyo makes it sound as though the mind exists independently of the brain. Really? Where was your mind before you had a brain (i.e. before you were born). When your brain didn't exist, your mind didn't exist. Do the math, Einstein…your "mind" is simply the interactions of all of your brain functions….nothing more, nothing less.

  10. Yes…you ARE your brain. People without functioning brains are called "vegetables" and are so useless that they are frequently removed from life support to make room for people with functioning brains. Why would anyone buy this crap? Brainless perhaps?

  11. i enjoyed learning about brain patterns, habits and living on autopilot. I was motivated to redo my affirmations with more confidence knowing that i can experience a change of mind so long as I remain focused on my desired outcome.Thank you for the video!

  12. "mindfulness is not reducible to anything physical"
    "mindfulness is like tuning your radio"
    Last time i checked my radio was reducible to something physical.

    Mindfulness is learning to hate what you love. Resist the short term temptation!
    Mindful people don't do what they like unless it's good in the long term.

    Luckily I don't need to be mindful, because my mom does it for me.

  13. I was skeptical when he was introduced as an evangelical Xtian, and then half way through he ended the talk for me. Using the phrase "if you are open to" suggests closed-mindedness in other people, like me, who just recognize religious bullshit when they see it. Then going one step further and telling us that we have a "wise advocate" inside us, "gifted by grace", was one step too far.

    How can I take a man seriously when it comes to fiddling about with my thoughts, when his standards of evidence for his own beliefs are so poor. Believing in something without evidence to back it up is a cognitive distortion Dr Schwartz… when YOU can recognize that, perhaps I'll take your ideas with less salt.

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