
"PARALLEL WORLDS AND ALL THAT #@*%" | Let's Play AI The Somnium Files part 27

Bittersweet Gamers

In today’s extra long episode of Let’s Play AI: The Somnium Files, it’s time for us to interrogate Prisoner #89. It went so well last time; surely it will go just as well this time, right?

As our investigation continues, we screw around with Moma, find out the details of how Psyncing works…and then things get weird. Parallel worlds in a game with a flowchart? I guess we can’t ignore it outright, but…also, Daymon talks more about the Mandela Effect and the Third Man Factor!

Come tell us to never bring up these topics again on Discord!

“PARALLEL WORLDS AND ALL THAT #@*%” | Let’s Play AI The Somnium Files part 27


In a near-future Tokyo, detective Kaname Date is on the case of a mysterious serial killer. Date must investigate crime scenes as well as dreams on the hunt for clues. From the mind of Kotaro Uchikoshi (Zero Escape series director), with character design by the Yusuke Kozaki (NO MORE HEROES, Fire Emblem series), a thrilling neo-noir detective adventure is about to unfold.

One rainy night in November, a woman’s body is found at an abandoned theme park, mounted on a merry-go-round horse. She had been stabbed repeatedly, and her left eye was gouged out.
Kaname Date of the Metropolitan Police Department arrives on the scene. He recognizes the woman. Suddenly, he hears a noise from inside the merry-go-round.
He breaks into the merry-go-round’s central column to find a young girl. And in her hands, she grips a bloody ice pick…


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33 thoughts on “"PARALLEL WORLDS AND ALL THAT #@*%" | Let's Play AI The Somnium Files part 27
  1. Mandela effect is bunk, by the way. Most well known examples are a result of well known cultural events being depicted incorrectly in a well known way that became a popular misdepiction and evolved into being more well known than the original event. Basically, it's a meme that becomes well known enough that people mistake it for the real event as "common sense".

    Mandela was declared dead in a newspaper after being imprisoned as a tongue in cheek way of saying he is not able to continue his political career, but many people mistook this for him literally dying in prison.
    ET originally said "ET home phone" but most people remember it the other way around because of him saying it that way for the rest if the film and the kids saying it normally.
    C3PO had a silver leg in the first movie. It was cheaper to make the toys all gold colored than to make the one part silver and parodies also had an easier time with a single color, and later media after the original trilogy made him all gold, so people remember that instead.
    Pikachu's ears had noticable black ends, so many people not paying attention believed his tail would also end in a black tip.

    Pretty much every mandela effect is like that.

  2. I believe the reason Date said "He wants to see your boobs" was so she dropped her guard. I imagine he was thinking even a handshake might be sketchy, so he dropped a big bomb and then casually mentioned the handshake offer.

    Like a story of a married couple where a husband forgot to wash the dishes, so he says to his wife "I forgot the kid at school" and later on goes with "Just kidding, I forgot to do the dishes". Basically giving a shock effect so they forget to be mad.

    Edit 1: Strongly recommend you see all results for rock-paper-scissors. You won't regret it.

  3. i hate the mandela effect omg it pisses me off sm. i always think of the uh berenstein/stain bears which i Swear to god was stein but apparently not! and i know many people who also remember stein. shits weird

    oh my god you literally talked about this exact one too… gg


  4. Man, from Date, the cheesy action scenes, Aiba's snark, Iris, and even the excessive Innunedos, AI's humor is just fantastic, I love it.
    …by the way, winning the rock-paper scissors match is hilarious xD

  5. I learned about the Mandela effect and that exemple Daymon gave, of the bears, from an Angry Video Game Nerd episode. Check it out if you are interested.

  6. -Moma is probably either my favorite or second favorite character in the game. He's hilarious.
    -I find conspiracy theories and urban legends really interesting, so this whole part of the game was really cool to me.
    -Iris's little bouncing animation is super adorable don't @ me

  7. β€œLuke, I am your father.” Is another Mandela Effect. In the movie he says β€œNo, I am your father.”

    I feel like most Mandela Effects are just misquoted things spread to a lot of people, but it’s still interesting.

    As a side note, it does feel like the stories here are explained poorly, or have little to do with parallel universes. But I think that may be the point.

  8. 41:53 – OK time for some lore-drop from ME! I have some experience with ACTUAL people with DID now – I didn't about a year ago.

    The point about multiple people being able to break one brain just by co-habitating is… debatable. I /believe/ Daymon when he says that there's no /proof/ that MPD or DID actually exists. However, I /know/ people who display all the symptoms, and have long-ass personal-lore-stories that help them function as individuals in this society, though they experience life internally as more of a 'roommates situation.' Just like how there's no medical-community-consensus on whether one glass of red wine a day is good-or-bad for you. But some people DO have proof, they've LIVED it. It's just not scientifically replicatable. And it varies from person to person.

    The car metaphor is actually fine to use for DID. Sure, each human body only has /one body,/ so if you have multiple head-mates (the common term for other personalities that exist within one human body), there CAN be fights for control.

    Imagine a single mom with kids in her car, driving past McDonalds. If the system is functioning correctly, the mom is driving, and does not let the children grab the wheel from her and FORCE her to drive to McDonalds. In a system functioning badly, that COULD happen. Or, the single mom is fighting with her abusive boyfriend in the passenger seat, who wants to go to McDonalds, WHILE TRYING TO DRIVE THE CAR. The point in this metaphor is the relative power levels of the people in the car. Who is in charge? How hard is it for them to KEEP their status as 'head honcho'? Easy-ish with kids. Harder with someone in your 'weight-class', if that person is actively opposing you.

    If we go with BSG's current theory of Date-and-Falco having Psync'd before and swapped/lost memories somehow, this CAN fit within the above car-is-brain theory. Say Falco's only ever driven a car, and has never been a passenger, and had NO IDEA that it was POSSIBLE to be a passenger. You put HIM in Date's brain-car? He's gonna immediately freak out, and fight for control. That fight could very plausibly have 'mentally injured' both of them.

    In a functioning 'system' (which is what people with DID call themselves to indicate that they are not 'individuals' since they have roommates-in-their-head aka headmates), there is no suicidal or adversarial behavior like that. There is a hierarchy, or democracy, of some kind, whereby every headmate knows who is in charge, and when. If a system has many headmates who all want to 'drive' the single body, they may have a literal 'day of the week' type schedule. More common (as far as I have seen) is that there is some age variation in headmates, and the younger ones are only given control of the body very rarely, if at all. The same way a sensible parent would not let a 4-year-old drive a car. BUT a sensible parent might let a 12-year-old drive the same car. That SAME parent, might not let a 24-year-old drive that car, for various reasons.

    TLDR, it's gonna vary, a lot. But it can work, just like an open marriage, with lots and LOTS of communication.

    —part two–

    Now, there are several ways to come into possession of a multiple-personality-system. The lines between these methods are fuzzy, of course, and the DID or 'plural' community has EXTREMELY TOXIC HISTORY with gatekeeping and bullying and honeytrapping systems who self-identify as one origination or another. (I'm not even going to TYPE THE NAMES of said methods, since who knows if bots will find this page. All I will suggest is a good 2-or-3-hour timeslot spent perusing the Tulpa subreddit. It's as good a place to start as any, since it's actually written by real plural people.)

    From my experience with actual, real people, I can comment on two past BSG instances of DID in visual novels – Genocide Jack from DanganRonpa and the young bishonen-male rakugo-artist from Ace Attorney Spirit of Justice. Genocider is FAR less plausible. What happens to people in Toko's situation, (who have lots of trauma and fears and do in fact develop multiple personalities because of it,) they tend to develop either a suicidal alternate self, or a super-childish-and-innocent alternate self. Not a murderous one. I mean, they COULD be murderous, but the first victim would have been Toko herself. :/ It's a lot more common than you'd think, particularly since DID crosses over frequently with being transgender, since there's no limit at all to the kinds of alternate-personalities that can be created. (including species – tulpas are very popular within the MLP fandom, Billy may actually know this, IDK.) Transgender thoughts do induce suicide in teenagers, ESPECIALLY in super-repressive, fire-and-brimstone-preaching homes. Moving on!

    The Rakugo artist, who had 3 known head-mates and one super-young one who was unknown to the other 3, is much, much, more likely. Their habit of switching personalities WITHIN THE SAME SENTENCE SOMETIMES, and interrupting each other verbally AFTER SWITCHING, was not very plausible. It takes A LOT OF EFFORT to switch personalities, likened to falling asleep (difficult for some, and easy for others) and or like lucid dreaming. A metaphor: why would you purposefully wake yourself up out of a dream, just to yell at your roommate across the apartment, who had just fallen asleep? They wouldn't hear you, and if they did, they'd have to wake THEMSELVES up to respond. Too much effort.

    Those kinds of debates between headmates that we saw the rakugo-artist have with his alter-egos on the stand, do in fact take place. But internally. IRL, it looks more like someone, who is one personality consistently, taking a phone call on a Bluetooth headset. They go quiet, maybe close their eyes or look away, and then they reply with new information – from one of the headmates that is not 'in front'. It's actually dangerous to others for debates to take place externally, just like the abusive boyfriend trying to forcibly drive the car to McD's that I mentioned earlier. Switching personalities, just like drivers, is safest when conducted with consent and forewarning among all parties, at a slow-or-stopped time/location. Parking lot is best. Stop light is not great, but better than on the highway at 100 mph.

    Also extremely implausible in the rakugo-artist's story is the idea that /he would be known and accepted/ in his work life, for having and displaying his DID symptoms constantly, in public, to an audience, for laughs. IRL, he'd be labeled a freak, beaten in the streets, and probably would have committed suicide around the age of 5, when that youngest-self was split off due to traumatic event (we assume). Yeah, it's not pretty. Just like using a man-in-a-dress as the butt of a joke, without thinking through how SUPREMELY UNCONFIDENT someone IN that situation would actually be.

    If you have a misunderstood quality like that – having multiple personalities or being transgender – you're far more likely to commit suicide than murder, and far more likely to GET murdered on the streets for prominently displaying your 'unusual condition' than to be chirpily and happily prancing through your work-life.

    So yeah. That's my Ted Talk. πŸ™‚

  9. 1:03:24 – The third-man effect… I'm just not enough of a science-nerd to want to dive any deeper into that weirdness. I'm calling it quits early and saying – that effect must be why people believe in angels. The warm, comforting dark. The harsh, cold light of truth. The brightest days in the peak of winter are the ones where all the warmth burns off the earth and your tears freeze to your cheeks. Angels are beings of the cold. I will remember this.

  10. One thing about the fine tuning of the universe is that it's basically arbitrarily giving meaning to an outcome that did happen. Sure, the odds of humanity existing exactly the way it is in the place it is now were incredibly small, but if things were "just a bit different", life would've probably just existed somewhere else and look different. These hypothetical lifeforms might even wonder how miraculous it is that they exist despite the odds. Chances of life appearing somewhere at some point are not that small. In fact it's pretty much inevitable that it'd happen eventually. It'd be much more of a miracle if the universe remained lifeless throughout its whole lifespan.

    Edited for wording.

  11. not sure if you two played Zero Time Dilemma [been a while for me so I may get some details wrong] but Akane mentions the Anthropic Principle [I believe that was the same named used for that escape room segment with the same general principle involving gambling odds] being that the probability of human beings existing at all is not only a miracle in itself but the fact that humans existing due to particular circumstances leading up until this point in the present is "proven" from the fact we can acknowledge that we are existing and living our daily lives. We can prove we "exist" just by our physical presence as a human being, from seeing and acknowledging another human being

  12. 58:09
    "The story of the two sisters"
    Would one of those sisters happen to be an amazing soldier and top waifu material?
    ON THAT NOTE, and FINALLY I have an excuse to segway into this question…
    Next DGR:IF episode upload when?
    I'm dying over here. Every time I think about it it's like my life gets chopped in half by a rusty butcher's knife shaped like Mark Hamil on a bad Tuesday. Yes, I'm babbling now, but I'm gonna stop myself because the last thing a BSG comment section needs is a comment that goes on longer than the episode itself.
    And trust me, I am capable of it.

  13. I've had many moments of deja vu where I remember the conversation going on between two different people I've even subconsciously said an entire sentence that someone else was saying then when I realized I was copying someone in real time I covered my mouth in shock

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