Consciousness Videos

963Hz Crown Chakra – Spiritual Connection – Expanding Consciousness | – Higher Mind Balance Music

RETURN TO ONENESS – Self Healing Collective

963Hz Crown Chakra – Expanding Consciousness – Spiritual Balance Higher Mind Connection. Read More ➡

936 Hz represents a return to oneness and awakens you to a perfect state of being. By listening to it, you’ll be able to experience and enjoy your true nature.
It’s also related to the crown chakra that connects us to the entire universe.



The Sanskrit word for the Crown Chakra is Sahasrara and can be translated to “Thousand petals”. The color of the seventh chakra is violet, white, gold and clear light, and the element associated with the Crown Chakra is cosmic energy or thought. The Sahasrara is located at the top of the head like a crown and holds your energetic and emotional experience of consciousness and universal connection. Physically it is associated with the brain and the nervous system. It is our access and communion with a higher state of consciousness. With an open Crown chakra, we can shed our limiting life patterns and stay present in whatever is. To stay present in this moment with all that is, connects us with the energy of uttermost clarity, wisdom and bliss. The crown chakra is our bridge with the infinite.


– Feeling disconnected to spirit and body
– Not being able to see the beauty in this world
– Feeling spiritual adrift
– Being closed-minded
– Lack of inspiration in life
– Lack of purpose and meaning in life
– Cynicism and apathy
– The need to sleep a lot



A fast and effective way to release the energy blockage is through sound. It is a very direct and vibrational energy that is immediately responded to by the energy field in your body. We have created this video for you and your healing. The music has the 936Hz Solfeggio frequency mixed into it, and the singing-bowls used in this song are in the B note, resonating at the Crown chakra frequency. Listening to this video for 30 minutes daily will help you activate energy movement in your Crown chakra. You deserve it, you wonderful expression of life!


What we wish for you: Peace, healing, purpose, knowledge, connection and spiritual awakening.

What we believe in: Balance, power of the mind, spirituality, growth, oneness, meditation, wisdom.

What we stand for: empowerment through self-healing and that all of us have great power within.

What we support: Everything that promotes health, personal, physical, and spiritual growth.
We support you on your path of self-discovery and growth.

What we care about: The evolution of our people and the direction we are going collectively as a species. We believe in raising the vibration of Earth. We care about the planet that is our home.

Our spirit greets yours.

Infinite love to all,
Christine & Hanne


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30 thoughts on “963Hz Crown Chakra – Spiritual Connection – Expanding Consciousness | – Higher Mind Balance Music
  1. I was listening this and my stared to have a headache and I was seeing a los of colors but I couldn't finish it because for like 3 or 4 times the video stopped by itself I played it again and again those times but I got scared and I didn't finish. By any chance someone else had the same experience

  2. Sorry this wont help anyone! Trust me i know. I was into this new age witchcraft. Only truth is jesus and trust me I remember seeing comments about jesus and Got annoyed. But Jesus he is the truth he is the Healer. This is demonic!

  3. First your you feel the pressure where the third eye is located, then you feel really peaceful and not feeling like to talk to anyone, and then your head starts to relax and yes! Ur crown chakra is open!

  4. So this is the 1st time watching this video and I either dreamt or visions myself almost hitting a kid running out in the middle of the road. So…. I jumped that was that.

  5. If anyone is hearing me, if anyone is seeing my pain and daily suffering… please help. Guide me to the right path. Guide me to heal and stay good and to be better. Guide me and guide him so that we can be together again. He was my happiness and light but I didn't fully understand it then. I do now. And more every day. I see me, I see my faults, my goods and my mistakes. Spirit guide, angels, anyone with good intentions and love. Please I beg, neg, beg you for your help. I feel so alone in this universe.

  6. I've been searching for this video for weeks.. First time i put this on i.was mediating

    It took me somewhere else
    ….i need this im addicted to this sound… My body literally has a reaction to it. From the middle of my forehead pulsating. To my body swaying to it unknowingly!! THIS IS BEYOND POWERFUL

  7. Listen . What did u experience while listening ? Does anyone's eles atm jerk upwards litrelly lift off the bed fast And slow at times ?

  8. spirit guide invite you into my life to show me guidance on my spiritual calling show me the way of my ancestors. so our people can know the knowledge of our people and the way of life . so they will be guided to light .

  9. Spirit guides and beautiful angels of mine , I invite you into my life. I want to awaken myself to your unconditional love and your guidance . I am ready ❣️

  10. when I started playing this and reading through the comments I said some things out loud, like spirit guide I allow you to come into my life, etc etc, and then a few minutes later my RIGHT ear started to ring, and I looked it up, and what it meant spiritually it meant:
    " Hearing a high-pitched noise in your right ear could be a sign that your guardian angel is trying to pass on a message from Heaven. "
    ANd right AFTER I READ THAT, i got goosebumps bro ._.'

  11. After listening to this while sleeping, i had an really realistic, scary dream.. But after thinking about it, i think its the negative stuff that I've been making up in my head, that i needed to let go of.

  12. Spirit Guides I invite you into my life and hope to form a relationship with you. I need help with being more outgoing and not caring what people think please help me.

  13. Not only do i feel the pressure everyone is talking about but my entire body is somewhat dancing to it… Im not moving… I feel it internally. Its interesting… Anyone else experiencing this👀👀👀🙏🙏

  14. I’m doing this and I will update BUT I hope I will meet and feel my spirt guide and be guided by them

    I’ve been seeing lots of triple digit numbers and I have been praying and ive go so many signs!

  15. Spirit guide(s),
    I invite you into my life and guide me to the right direction, help me trough hard times and connect with me. Let us have a connection and manifest into my life. Walk besides me on this journey and help me, help me make the right discisions.
    Lots of love from Cato

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