
What Wagner does to your brain – Keith Ward vs Daniel Dennett



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High profile atheist philosopher Daniel C Dennett goes head to head with Christian theologian Keith Ward in this extract from their debate on mind, consciousness and free will.

Can the beauty of music be explained by neurons and brain chemistry? Atheist Daniel Dennett debates Christian Keith Ward.

The Big Conversation is a unique video series from Unbelievable? featuring world-class thinkers across the Christian and atheist community. Exploring science, faith, philosophy and what it means to be human.

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6 thoughts on “What Wagner does to your brain – Keith Ward vs Daniel Dennett
  1. The memories continue to exist but not in the physical brain ?????
    So where then?
    and how do you know if they exist if you can't access them with your brain?

    These people are strange who like to "believe" something exists yet there's no way of discovering it.

  2. Every seven years, the entire organic matter of a human body is replaced by the DNA , and even the Neuron Cells are rebuilt atomically bit by bit, while respirating. Now, the only connection between entirely different collections of matter over time is the continuity of memory and passion. So then if you survive the replacement of your body continually , you should be able to survive your body indefinitely, implying some other sort of attachment and report of data is conserved elsewhere, but not in the physical matter .
    Obviously the concrete material matter plays a role, but a finite role, and information must pass from collection to collection to continue, or else, the information is reporting to some higher dimension or invisible matter , say a dark matter , and so all life forms attached to what is paritied as a vine and branches, weave into some unseen larger overall life form hovering around everything. Otherwise, the person who was once seven years old as a child is absolutely dead and gone , and some replica person is taking the place of the former self, and that would be a delusional experience. So if you want to consider God as a delusion , then two delusions combined may be a reality. On the other hand, if anything is true , something real must be a constant value , if replacement biology functions effectively so that though you perpetuate numerous recreations of the same person , like a snake shedding it's skin routinely , the answer to explain the mind maintaining some perplexing image of a self that outweighs this transitional reformation of the matter of a body , then you need a very good theory of God. Otherwise your answers from Atheism is as good as tits on a bull.

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