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Conscious Politics – Part 3 – The Core Principles Of Conscious Politics

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47 thoughts on “Conscious Politics – Part 3 – The Core Principles Of Conscious Politics
  1. Hi Leo, why are spiritual leaders and enlightened folk not involved in high levels of politics or are they? Or are they not bc society is not ready for that? Folks I’m referring to are like Dalai Lama (although I know he does do a lot of work to improve the world), eckart Tolle, other current sages and mystics. Thanks for any input!

  2. I think it would be beneficial to research politicians throughout human history, that exhibted a minimum of 3 of these points (simply to narrow the list); as well as the mindset of the era relevant to spiral dynamics. Not only the politicians themselves but the political landscapes leading to, and there after said politicians term of power.

    It's imperative to learn from historys' lessons, no matter how nuanced they may be =]

  3. YOU get it, but you've done a ton of work to understand deep reality, systems thinking, etc. Most people haven't. My PhD advisor didn't, most of my students didn't, most voters don't, most people, even educated people don't. Pulling actualization into broader consciousness has failed for the entirety of humanity. You are still great with explaining 5meo.

  4. I don't believe that it would be better if everyone thought the same – I know better. I had a narcissist for a father – taught me a very important lesson.

  5. Leo if you want to discover one big selfbias of yours read Thomas Sowell – I recommeend 4 book of him – Intellectuals and society,the vision of the Anointed, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY THE BOOK A conflict of visions, AND THE BOOK
    , Knowledge and Decisions.

  6. Collective consciousness in the government = perpetual war, and whoever has more money wins in court; sounds like an enlightened system we have. Thank god for cops, who would hold us up at gunpoint for not choosing pharmaceutical poisons over natural alternatives.

  7. Ok, but look, right…
    If everything includes everything, then wouldn't nothing be included within everything? If nothing is included within everything, then wouldn't everything be nothing? So it is! Since nothing is all that there ever was then the existence of nothing is so infinitely fecund that literally, everything happens because it's existence hinges on the fact that it is not. Where there is not there only IS! Can you imagine something so infinitely fecund??
    Just turtles all the way down 🙂

  8. Leo do you have any idea when 3 and 4 will be on your mp3 section? It’s just easier for me to listen to it with headphones instead of YouTube really appreciate everything I’ve learned over the last couple of months!! One of a kind

  9. I think we should microdose people on 5-meo-dmt by adding it to the tap water! And then slowly over time increase the dosage until everyone is Conscious! What do you think, good idea or no?

  10. Marianne Williamson is the current front-runner of Conscious Politics…she's the only one speaking about LOVE on her platform…

  11. Could you expound on relative morality. I'm struggling with that concept. Isn't there a core level of morality that isn't relative? That's really the overarching topic of this talk and all your recent ones.

  12. Beautifully stated. It's time to embrace universal love and drop fear based politics. These things are tearing us apart and threatening all life on the planet. We need to help those on lower levels of awareness to wake up, but do that with love. And we need to help those who live in the fear of survival to grow into love.

  13. Hi Leo!

    Just an observation:

    It seems to me (I may be wrong) that you are talking about Yellow/Turquoise concepts but your attitude while presenting these concepts is closer to an Orange/Green vibe, maybe you are consciously using a more "serious/dogmatic" approach in an attempt to resonate with the majority of the population in Tier 1. But if that's not the case, I have reason to hypothesize that a more lighthearted way of exposition could be more effective. Especially towards those who feel triggered when listening to something like "if you don't get it you're not conscious enough", and those are probably the people who need this kind of knowledge the most. But many of them tend to close their minds automatically in reaction to what they may perceive to be an arrogant monopoly of truth, I know that's not your position at all but I understand how some may feel that way towards "how" you're saying things.

    Thank you!

  14. U dont have to be white and desire being replaced to be about love u nutsack. This country is oligarchy, its class warfare and the poor and middle class have not won even a battle nor waged a battle. There is no justice again we have evidence if oligarchy in the justice system. We have a justice system for the ulta rich and one for everyone else this can be confirmed by the epstein case and big bank bailouts, big bank employees not getting time for laundering cartel money etc. Theres countless examples. Its not race based at all. FBI crime statistics explain that.

  15. I hope someone is reading this. Leo I am not sure if you are 100% percent aware of our new Mexican President, Presidente Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, I have been listening to him for the last few years and every example you used for Conscious Politics in this video are all part of his Talking points. I am so optimistic for my country to begin this path.

  16. Hey leo i used to watch ur videos last year u helped me so much with the self care thing i appreciate u so much brother thank god for your blessings

  17. To make mistakes as humans is normal, it is how we learn, how we grow, how we become wise, but, and there is a big BUT, we are at risk of repeating the same mistakes over and over again, not learning from them, remaining unwise. It becomes therefore not about learning not to do something hurtful to others because we have realized all is one and we only hurt ourselves in the process, no, it becomes about feeding the pain body, so our egos have something to regret, something to feel sorry about, even an entire life time, if possible. And it is possible, sadly, to live that way, carrying great sorrow around, pain did unto self, unto others, pain done by others unto self. A mountain of pain, a great heavy stone, unbeknownst to most humans that it can be lifted as easily as a feather from the chest, like a veil from perception, when the human heart again becomes as one with the universe itself. To forgive all is to lift all heaviness from the heart, and we must seek to forgive the bad things, let them go, not because it's the 'nice' thing to do, but because it is the eternal thing to do. When we forgive those who have hurt us, it isn't because we desire to be good people, or true Christians, it is because we have realized that the people who have hurt us could not let go of other people having hurt them in turn, acting the way they did unconsciously, or, as Jesus put it, 'Forgive them for they know not what they do', and so we realize that there is a cycle of suffering, of violence, self perpetuating, that can end with us, by forgiving all. Not just some things here and there, all of it, so true freedom can be achieved and the natural flow in the heart chakra restored, so we can let the old negative karma dissolve and not create any more of it. It does not matter who threw the first punch within our history, the first insult, provocation, it matters only who will receive the last and not punch back, 'turn the other cheek' instead, not be provoked to violence, because then will they end, the insults, the hitting, the punching, the kicking, the shooting, the bombing and we shall rejoice because we have ended a vicious cycle of violence that has followed humanity around like a heavy cloud of darkness throughout it's history and evolution. A pain body so hungry for drama that it has contrived of a system that institutionalizes it. Soldiers trained to fight, to shoot and kill, policemen, bodyguards, to protect this system at all cost and keep the prison going. To keep within society a false sense of peace, with all those loaded guns around and many itchy trigger fingers. Who is this enemy that needs killing? The people mistake it to be 'others', some foreigners, bad people, when this enemy they see in others was within them all along as the 'false self', the pain body, ego, and no, sadly it cannot be slain by weapons of war, they only ensure it's existence, it's perpetuation, it can only be slain by the light of awareness when it shines upon it, utterly dissolves and disintegrates it, because it is illusory and only our awareness is real. If we desire peace we must stop preparing for war, those times are over. Ancient peoples, yes, they were afraid of foreigners, hoards of barbarians coming to pillage them, out of nowhere, but now we know every piece of the entire world and pretty much everything that is happening on it, we are not afraid that we fall of the edge of the world if we sail too far westwards, we even went to space, we are all connected, it is a globe, our home, our mother Gaya, and it has witnessed countless wars because humans do not seem to learn from past mistakes, somehow doomed to repeat them all over again. It is time, like never before for a world peace and we must start preparing for it, if we desire it, stop preparing for more destruction and war. If we took only 25% of the U.S.A's allocated funds for the military industrial complex, we could easily afford universal basic income for every human living there, housing and healthcare, poverty would cease to exist. Imagine then if 100% of that budget would go into healthcare, education, social safety net. If every country did the same, then poverty, and with it crime, inequality would cease to exist everywhere. World leaders are there to ensure that there is peace, not war, and if we keep preparing for war, we do not ensure peace as the ancient Greeks were forced to conclude, and so wisely trained their people to form a phalanx, only to be crushed and defeated by the roman legions, we nowadays only ensure that some where, some time, there will be a reason for people to lock, load and go to war, make movies about it , glorify it, the murderous act, precisely what we see happening in our world instead of the much needed end of poverty, inequality and crime, things that lead to war and to people with desire to join the army core. 'I do that to serve and protect my country, buddy!' No, you don't, you do it mainly for the salary 'soldier', and you join the 'core', because your daddy did so, as family tradition, or because your daddy beat you and you desire to let the psychological pain out on some foreign folk, or you were always the tough kid around the block and you'd like to show your toughness, you'd like to be a hero, maybe even a squad leader. You do it because of tradition or trauma, or false value system, either way, you will get ptsd, if you manage to survive the rain of bullets and shrapnel because you have chosen to go against human nature: love, compassion, cooperation. You won't fit back into society unless perhaps with the help of Cannabis to dissolve your identification with: 'The monster I have become'. If you truly desired to serve and protect your country, you would see to it that no unconscious people get into political office. We can live in a world in which government is doing it's job, busy building for us infrastructure, roads and bridges, nice things for us to enjoy and to make use of, and not making nuclear deals, acquiring even more means of destruction, indoctrinating even more people into the military. Where do we desire to go from here, humanity? Who will watch the ultimate blockbuster, 'World War 3' if there is no living thing left to breathe, to marvel at such a Hollywood production? We must awaken our current governments or replace them with awakened ones, else we are only kidding ourselves and we will repeat the past mistakes, instead of finally getting it, realizing, comprehending that division is the root of our problems and oneness, the solution.

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