Consciousness Videos

Are there different levels of consciousness? | J. Krishnamurti

J. Krishnamurti – Official Channel

Saanen 1980 – Question #3 from Question & Answer Meeting #5

‘What is our consciousness? Are there different levels of consciousness?’

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30 thoughts on “Are there different levels of consciousness? | J. Krishnamurti
  1. Africa where i come from have so many different rivers, Lagoons, streams and above all the Sea the mighty Ocean, all these rivers be it small or big are all struggling to merge or join the Sea the mighty Ocean, this is total Liberation where you end up your incarnations, that's all:

  2. There is a contradiction in this talk.
    He begins by stating, that consciousness is equal to its content.

    So, it logically follows, that if the brains empty themselves completely from its content, consciousness itself has disappeard.

    But if that is so, then it is very easy to eliminate all thoughts and thinking from the brains. In fact, all of us do it all the time!


    Just by sleeping, and then falling in a dreamless sleep. Because then all of the contents of consciousness has disappeared!
    But if that is so, then it does not require a lot of attentional energy!

    On the contrary! It does not require energy at all!
    It requires the exact opposite.
    Just lie in bed, and let sleep come over you. At some stage the brain will come into the so-called delta wave state. And then all thoughts and thinking are gone. And with it all of consciousness is gone!
    Obviously, this is not what J. Krishnamurti meant. He meant to say, that you can empty your mind completely through total attention! That is, being totally attentive of everything that is going on within you, without having the wish to accomplish anything!
    Now, is that possible?
    It is!
    But you must, before you try it, be totally clear about one thing!
    Consciousness is not equal to its content. In that J. Krishnamurti is totally wrong.
    The content of consciousness is experience!
    Experience is something totally different from consciousness.
    In my dream criticism I already alluded to that. If you go to sleep, and you are dreaming, you experience, but you are not conscious!
    So consciousness is something different from its content.
    But if that is so, when you are awake, and therefore not dreaming, the state of mind you are in is one wherein experience is mixed with consciousness.
    In the normal state, this mixture of experience and consciousness is so complete, that you cannot see that there is a difference between experience and consciousness. Therefore you cannot tell which part this mixture is experience, and which part is consciousness.
    However, if you can focus all of your mental energy into attention of everything that is going on in you , your brains can go through a transformation, wherein consciousness and its content are separated . In that state of mind all thought and thinking stops , and your mind is in a state wherein there is only consciousness .
    That is, what J. Krishnamurti is trying to tell us.

  3. J. Krishnamurti asserts, that consciousness is the same as its content.

    So, when I sleep and dream, I am conscious?

    He is obviously wrong!

  4. Me: my Gurú should I listen to Krishnamurti lectures ………….. My Gurú: No you shouldn't because he only teaches to become realistic. I teach you Liberation (illusion)………….. Me: okay my dear Gurú Now here is my fees .

  5. The inspiration for the chorus of Van Morrison’s “In the Garden” No Guru, No Method, No Teacher..just You, and I ,and Nature…In the Garden. Image how peaceful the world could be…if only…

  6. The Trick is to Fall in Love with the silent spaces in between each thought. Because when we fall in Love with something, That is what Holds our Attention. Very quickly the silent spaces grow longer , and the negative thoughts in turn get fewer. Keep your attention on the silent Gaps , and you will fall in love with it. 90% of all suffering is thought based. peace 🎼🎧🎼👌

  7. Derick & George Bain I hope you are feeling well. If your new understanding has stayed in your life, it is most likely self evidently true. It can be a shock to experience this, but not unusual or something to be concerned about. I have been reading Krishnamurti for many years and find what he says to be self evident when I understand it, which is most of the time. It is like a revelation only because most people don’t understand inner life or being at this depth. Those who do are most fortunate.

  8. I like Him but He criticises India too much. It looks like India can do no good.. He never speaks about the millions of Indians killed by the British.

  9. Actually what he is saying is "weaken some neuro pathways and make strong another ones". Because practically his silencing of the memory is selective . It is selective because he does not appear to delete language , colors and so on and so forth . So weaken the suffering or delete it by being one with it . You can be one with it when you see that you are the suffering because the suffering is an event in the brain and the event is electrical impulses and the electrical imoulses are also You. When you see you are the pain then the pain cannot be felt because the pain cannot feel pain . You are the event and not someone appart from it who feels . He is not saying poems or something like that , but just what actually is . He came to this by thinking obviously and that is why I say that his silencing of the mind is selective . He is not brainwashing you into not thinking but he thinks actually what is and he is not in automatic mode , or auto pilot and the beauty of it is that there is nothing mystical in this .But I think as he alsohas said many times, we must be serious about it. If the following happened to you then tha is what he is talking about :
    You talk without any control , maybe for somebody and their life and happenings and suddenly you stop and watch and say "what the hell I am talking about " , and this moment brings so much clarity . If you are thinking on some idiotic thing and suddenly you fall and harm your hand , just about everything fades and the whole mind is in that moment . That is really what he is talking about for all his life . By the way that thing with the hand happened to me

  10. Im unable to describe with words truly. I wish I could reach out to this man. I am not sure what or why and I'm asking and believe something amazing is happening within me. I have had a signal or enlighten awakening. I'm not sure even. My soul understands exactly what this man speaks. Everything he says. I'm just lost at what and why and how this has happened to me. Within the last month something has been turned on and I can't stop or shut this off and can't understand why. I'm feeling, seeing, understanding, all kinds of things just automatically. I didn't seek this out. It's like a switch was turned on things are so clear to me and others are not. Idk why but if someone understands what I'm trying to explain can they help? My thoughts have been out of this world.

  11. wow! emptying conciseness, becoming totally nude in every sense of the word, dropping all the luggage collected from the beginning of history. …totally intelligible but is entirely personal journey

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