Consciousness Videos

Physics, Metaphysics & the Consciousness Connection 5 of 18

Tom Campbell

Physicist and consciousness researcher, Thomas Campbell, Discusses the nature of reality in terms of consciousness – this video logically and scientifically explains the normal and the paranormal, mind and matter, physics and metaphysics, philosophy and theology.


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28 thoughts on “Physics, Metaphysics & the Consciousness Connection 5 of 18
  1. All of the Cores of the Cosmos, including Black Holes are Solid Crystal Core Quantum Computers!

    When the Black Hole gets heavy enough it does go through a dimensional shift and "falls" into a new set of Geometric Space-Time

    Think of it like this, the Supermassive Black Hole falls through this Space-Time Continuum and creates its own new Space-Time Continuum, and its own new Universe

    The physics are actually already mapped out, but the concept is that the new Universe within the Supermassive Black Hole has a "Time Rate" or a "Tickrate" that it MUCH faster than our own, so inside the Supermassive Black Hole Time occurs much faster compared to our continuum

    And because all Matter in the Universe, all the Crystal Cores of the Cosmos, through the use of quantum computations are actually able to grow not only themselves, but the space they occupy, the new Universe within the Supermassive Black Hole has the potential to either Grow and Expand, or it will Shrivel and Contract

    If the Supermassive Black Hole is growing! It will be able to spit Matter and Energy back up into the Universe that it is residing in and grow a Galaxy around itself!

    The idea is this, Planets grow into Stars, Stars grow larger and larger and have planetary nebula and give birth to more planets, the planets become stars, the biggest stars become black holes, the biggest black holes become galaxies, while each one is a Crystal Core Quantum Computer and through the use of physics they are all able to grow not only their Matter but they also grow the space they occupy

    I know it is simple, if not superficial to say planets become stars stars become black holes, black holes become supermassive black holes and host their own universe and then feed the universe that is supporting them by growing a galaxy around themselves, but that is exactly what is happening

    Just like life the Universe grows and expands, to infinity and beyond!

    The Universe is a Multidimensional Multiverse, that is a Cascade of Universes falling infinity into more and more massive and dense states

    Black Holes within Black Holes, Universes within Universe

    The physics is all mapped out, there is no big bounce and there is no big crunch, there is just the continuation of the ever expanding continuum, and the infinite continuums within

    Orion Michael Guy

  2. This is divorced from all that makes man's reason what it is. Reality obtains in only one way. It's great his picked a theory that is untestable.

  3. Not all, just the hard atheists with closed minds, the cat is out of the box and they will never get it back in there, they will either go mad from the revelation or admit they are fundamentally wrong.

  4. It, or a large part of it, has been well known for many thousands of years, confirmed, and accepted by hundreds of millions of individuals (most of them living in the East but also many among more unindustrialized peoples). However the metaphors used to describe it were often descriptive and poetic since the concepts to describe it in terms of hard logical science are relative new. Major deep level paradigm shifts take a while.

  5. Okay, this is what I don't get – if this aspect of reality is real, why hasn't it been confirmed and generally accepted as a part of the experience of living after several hundred thousand years and many billions of people. I don't doubt that there is more than is dreamed of in all our philosophies, but that doesn't change the fact that if it is a part of reality it should long ago been confirmed as a part of our human experience, independent of science.

  6. the problem is that physicists tend to look at wave patterns as facts.
    if you tried to analyzed "Hey Jude" by the Beatles, using just science it would appear as erratic wave pattern. it would have no meaning, unless you open your ears.

  7. You should do some lucid dreaming and enjoy it:;) just msg me if you wanna know how to do it…i have made a video about it also. I Loved this lecture but i found it did a great job in covering everything but the particulars of the teqnique.

  8. holy fuck "you have to collect evidence as you go"

    since i got up here everyone's always like 'eric why do you take so many pictures?' cuz i take so so many.

    i always say: "evidence…"

  9. I can induce the Vibrational State/Sleep Paralysis at will using a very simple sleep pattern… I read Bob Monroe's book ten years after my first OOBE.

  10. I am writing a book on OOBEs… I have had the 'ability' since the age of 11… I am now 35. I am writing a book on it… I am currently talking with Rick Strassman about endogenous DMT production during my OOBEs. I have always considered the OOBE to be connected to an applied altered perception allowing my 'this reality' conscious mind to 'see' other conscious 'MEs' or other world realities.

  11. I'm not sure what these experiences entail, I am still watching the videos. From what I have read about out of body experiences (and it may be way off from what the video proposes) I immediately envision a room, separate from the subject with information that can then be verified. Where neither the subject nor questioner knows the information. Now that I have some time again, I'll keep watching. Regardless, some sort of evidence apart from an individual experience will have to be presented.

  12. Were these so called out of body experiences double blind tested? How come this wasn't mentioned? Did these scientist invest vast amounts of time and money into a claim that was never tested scientifically? Evidence alone is not enough. I hope this video addresses falsifiability and testing in a more convincing manner. I'll keep watching.

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