
British Girl reacts to The Meaning of Life Muslim Spoken Word


Hey guys! Many of you requested that I reacted to this particular video. I was completely blown away with this video and I have a lot more I need to learn about, I can’t wait!

I apologize for the lighting, I had forgotten to turn the lights off but didn’t want to refilm it so you would get my first honest reaction!

Hope you enjoy this video and I will be back soon!
– Rebecca



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30 thoughts on “British Girl reacts to The Meaning of Life Muslim Spoken Word
  1. Dear brothers and sisters
    Do not let this temporary life to beguile you
    Life is too short today tomorrow you’ll come to an end. & do not gamble with your soul

    الَّذِي خَلَقَ الْمَوْتَ وَالْحَيَاةَ لِيَبْلُوَكُمْ أَيُّكُمْ أَحْسَنُ عَمَلًا ۚ وَهُوَ الْعَزِيزُ الْغَفُورُ – 67:2
    He] who created death and life to test you [as to] which of you is best in deed – and He is the Exalted in Might, the Forgiving.

  2. مافهمتش المخلوقة هادي تتفرج في فيدوات هادو علاه باش تجيب لي جام ولا حابة تولي مسلمة وعلاه تشوف قاع هد الدلائل وما اسلمتش

  3. Look and find the truth. Because man knows the difference between right and wrong. Peace The religion of Islam, Muslims, Muslims, believers, believers who are alive and dead.

  4. Hello rebecca you need to read quran slowly and Prostrate to God and His questions of guidance except for the true religion or the path of the righteous … Allah bless you

  5. You'll be blown away by how many scientific details are mentioned in the Quran ❤️ for example the mites that live on top of the mosquitoes & that cannot be seen wothout a microscope. & the barzakh that separates two seas from meeting together & the list is long. All of those scientific discoveries that were mentioned in the Quran more than 1400 years ago, were only discovered by scientists recently. God bless Islam & all the religions

  6. Peace be upon you, my sister, Rebecca. I would like to talk with you about something very important. Please reply to me quickly, and can I communicate with you even through Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp or similar. Please reply to me quickly … Our appointment with God is the king of kings and I have to tell you and talk The wiki, as the book of God Almighty says the Noble Qur’an .. When people hear the verses of God Almighty you see their eyes overflowing and filled with tears .. Any of the intensity of their faith in the religion of Islam

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