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45 thoughts on “South Korea Intelligent Surveillance and Guard Robot
  1. "Guard Robot" Killbot would be a better name. With that thing the US can kill everyone in arabia without even loosing a single gi. how nice. some day the machines kill all mankind because of those idiots.

  2. This is not a good device for mankind & Samsung ! A massive killing machine will become those evil nations' (i.e. North Korea, Communist China) massive killing tools !!!

  3. There was an Apple version but it was incompatible with normal bullets and you needed to use iTunes to re-load anything to the device. It would also not understand the phrase "I surrender" unless you had an american accent. It did however know how to play chopsticks.

  4. your right because blissfully ignoring the people who want to kill is such a great alternative. just think how much better the world would be if we just gave into demands to evil people like Hitler.

  5. why is this video blocked in most of asia? also… so tacky how samsung plaster their logo on everything including death weapons.

  6. Thanks to the assholes at samsung, these things will evolve and evolve till self aware AI is controlling everything. People think this is a joke. Who gives a shit that we are creating things that will eventually mean the end of humanity, there's MONEY to be made. Me me me, how can I PROFIT from it?! Fucking asshole company… boycott samsung…

  7. 역시 한국에는 신을 갈아넣는 겜덕후 공돌이들이 많이도 있다 ㅎㄷㄷ 게다가 이게 2006년도에 개발됐다는걸 감안하자면…

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