
Playing Tetris gaiden using Artificial Intelligence (AI)


This video shows a robot playing Tetris gaiden for the SuperNES. There are no sound in the video because I wanted to show the viewers what the robot is thinking while playing a puzzle game. The flashing text and freeze frames are the internal thoughts of the robot and not instruction text for the viewers. These internal thoughts describe the details of how the robot produce intelligence.

My robot doesn’t use: planning programs/heuristic searches (used by MIT and Stanford University), Bayesian’s probability theories for decision making, Bayesian’s equation for induction and deduction, semantic networks for natural language understanding, predicate calculus, common sense systems, first-order logic, rule-based systems, decision trees, genetic programming, or MACHINE LEARNING.

In the video, the robot uses knowledge about previous tetris games to play this brand new tetris game.

human level artificial intelligence, ai, artificial intelligence, artificial general intelligence, true ai, strong ai, human level ai, cognitive science, ai plays video game, robot plays video game, agi, digital human brain, human intelligence, human brain, human mind, robot thoughts, deep learning, human thoughts, ai plays role playing games, ai play rpg, demo ai, general ai.


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