
Guess the Meaning of a Word you don’t Know in Spanish || Intermediate-advanced vocabulary

Why Not Spanish?

When learning Spanish or any language lots of learners want to know what everything means.  Having a conversation with someone can cause you to fall into a trap.  Focusing on the meaning of what every word the other person is saying could leave you with no idea what is going on.  A word is said that you have no idea what it means.  Then you start thinking about what that word could mean.  Just like that, you have lost the meaning of the whole sentence because of that one word you did not know.  Then all you think about is what that word could mean.  You will find yourself not knowing the word and what the person just said.  So in this video, we are going to talk about using context clues to figure out the meaning of a sentence.  Next time you encounter a word that you don’t know you can figure out what it means by how it is used and the words around it.

For practice in this video, we are going to have our dear friend and art critic Antonia Pombo help us with this activity.  She will tell you a sentence and one word will be replaced with “takitaki”.  You will try to figure out what that word is using the context clues in the sentence.  

We hope you like the video and that it helps you.

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Book Suggestions


1. Relatos / Stories: Historias Cortas Para Aprender Espanol: Niveles A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 / Short Stories to Learn Spanish: Levels A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 (Spanish Edition)

2. 100 cosas que debe saber una chica / un chico

3. Cocina Fácil Internacional. Fideos y Pastas

4. Fitness. Guia Holística para Principiantes

5. Las Frases del Éxito: Frases célebres para cambiar tu vida de más de 100 personajes históricos exitoso


6. Diccionario práctico del Estudiante

7. La tregua. Mario Benedetti

8. El dilema del omnívoro

9. El curioso incidente del perro a media noche.

10. Una curiosidad para cada día del año


Free Ebook!

If you are interested in a practical and short guide to Spanish’s most used sentences, you can click the link below and download it for free. We have put together useful sentences and expressions we think most people would need if wanting to communicate something quickly. Download our free phrase book so you can get the right things to say in Spanish quickly and at the right time.


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43 thoughts on “Guess the Meaning of a Word you don’t Know in Spanish || Intermediate-advanced vocabulary
  1. Ustedes saben que Antonia es una mujer rara y le gusta usar palabras poco comunes. ¿Qué palabras usarían para reemplazar las palabras que Antonia dijo? (festejo, calabozo, quehaceres, encinta, ratero, despampanante, domicilio).

  2. Siempre he hecho eso de que hablas, es decir, usar el contexto para adivinar el significado de nuevas palabras–pero con la parte del cerebro que esta conectado a los ojos. Parece que la parte de mi cerebro conectado a los oídos no funcionan así. Pues, lo que sugieres es una buena idea, pero, del dicho al hecho es un gran trecho.

  3. Este ejercicio me fue muy bien! Eso es exactamente lo que hago cuando alguien habla conmigo o cuando yo leo algo también. Ojalá que mejore yo un día. Es mi sueño hablar con fluidez el español. sigh

  4. Mis respuestas fueron completamente diferentes que suyas. Por ejemplo…(restaurante, museo, embarazada, tareas, el ladron, el tacano. Puso cubre en vez de la cima de la montaña). Gracias por ayudarme a aprender nuevas palabras.

  5. This is such a good exercise guys, I just started my first book in Spanish, and I'm putting much more effort into deducing the meaning of words I don't know from the context…. It kind of turns it into a fun game!! Plus 'takitaki' is hilarious to say!!! 😀 Thanks as always, you both rock <3

  6. ¡Holaaa! Hoy jugamos una partida. Y unfortunadamente hoy no puedo apodar a Colombia 🙁 Pero pase lo que pase ¡buena suerte! 😀 ¡Vamos Polonia! 😄

  7. I tried "tarea" instead of "quehacer", and "hogar" instead of "domicilio". I am not sure how one would expected to guess these types of differences. Pero, sin embargo, me gustan mucho estos videos.

  8. I'll admit it: this exercise was challenging for me, but hey, no pain no gain. I'll have to rewatch it several times before it clicks. Plus I was eating donuts while watching, so I'm thinking my brain can't handle that many tasks at once, haha

  9. Your videos make me happy 😀
    However, I do get mad at myself for not being able to understand the first go round…I usually have to rewatch the vid 2 or 3 times before anything really clicks in my brain.
    WHY can't I get the gist of what is being said the first time???

  10. This video is perfect! You guys are so great at creating videos for intermediate-advanced speakers! I have such a hard time finding videos other than fluent or beginning speakers. Keep up the great work!!

  11. Hahaha se me pasa todo el tiempo, yo dejo de escuchar mientras mi mente divaga en busca del significado de una sola palabra.. antes de darme cuenta, he perdido dos minutos del audio o la conversación 🙈🙈😭

  12. Antonia es tan exigente! Usa palabras que no se usan con frequencia…yo lograba el significado basicamente, por ejemplo adivine LADRON en cambio de RATERO, era muy dificil. Pero gracias por este reto!! Demelos mas!!

  13. I know I easily get distracted by a word in Spanish that I definitely don't know. Thank you for using various examples of "takitaki" and you are right about listening to a sentence in full to figure out the meaning. 😉

  14. Encinta = Pregnant? estas ensenando Espanol de palabras que nisiquiera hablantes en Espanol saben quizas, que te costaba decir embarazada? (que es la palabra comun) los que aprendan de ti solo terminaran siendo un diccionario andante de informacion inutil. Esta no es una forma eficiente de ensenar. Puedes aprenderte todas la palabras de un diccionario entero pero eso no te hara hablar otro idioma, nisiquiera tu propio idioma si no sabes o no se da la ocacion de implementarlas, solo te hara un diccionario andante de informacion inutil de palabras que ni se usan en una vida comun codidiana.

  15. I like Why not Spanish, but I have to say I do not enjoy when they use alternate characters such as the one here. Still it is not a deal breaker, just my two cents.

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