Consciousness Videos

Space-Time, Quantum Mechanics and the Multiverse (Nima Arkani-Hamed)


Lecture from the mini-series “Multiverse & Fine Tuning” from the “Philosophy of Cosmology” project. A University of Oxford and Cambridge Collaboration.


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20 thoughts on “Space-Time, Quantum Mechanics and the Multiverse (Nima Arkani-Hamed)
  1. Is theoretical physics noe becoming like modern art. In the case physics most people can visualize space-time as determinist, wheras the majority of people cannot visualize non deterministic outcomes.

  2. As a graduate student in theoretical physics, I have always had little patience with string theory and its holography and multiverses, as often heard from the pop sci literature. This lecture finally convinced me that multiverses and holography are at least conceptually valid, perhaps even desirable, options to consider.

  3. Arkani-Harmed: 'So here's why the anthropic principle isn't really a problem. We have experimental evidence up the yinger and the math checks out.'

    Bostrom: *shit, i just wasted an entire lecture, if not a bunch of my professional life*

  4. Thank you Nima for this extremely spellbinding account of 'multiverse and fine tuning' and for finding room for the anthropic principle (however cautiously).
    However, I would like to think how phase transition affects non-life matter to turn into life and consciousness (due to self-organizing and self-simulating property of matter), that I am tempted to assume similar self-simulation of a universal intelligent consciousness observer collapsing the QF into particles, just as in the double slit experiment of QM, fine tuning the parameter space to create life and human consciousness, with perfection and with probability one. Then man and god could be entangled. And divine purpose will be meaningful.
    The infinite (or zillions) of solutions to the string theory are like the zillions of different snow flakes, no two are similar, may not imply multiverse with different laws and values for CC and may imply laws of physics are the same everywhere (my limited knowledge says).

  5. All of this assumes that the Big Bang (one shot) theory is correct. That theory has not been proven, so his whole deck of infinite MV cards trembles on shaky ground. Where are the great minds of the 21st century who need to shake things from the ground up? There are only 72 years left!

  6. This is an invitation to see a theory on the nature of time! In this theory we have an emergent uncertain future continuously coming into existence relative to the spontaneous absorption and emission of photon energy. Within such a process the wave particle duality of light and matter in the form of electrons is forming a blank canvas that we can interact with forming the possible into the actual! The future is unfolding with each photon electron coupling or dipole moment relative to the atoms of the periodic table and the wavelength of the electromagnetic spectrum. As part of a universal process of energy exchange that forms the ever changing world of our everyday life the ‘past’ has gone forever. At the smallest scale of this process the ‘past’ is represented by anti-matter annihilation with the symmetry between matter and anti-matter representing the symmetry between the future and the past as the future unfolds photon by photon. In such a theory the mathematics of quantum mechanics represents the physics of ‘time’ with the classical physics of Newton representing processes over a period of time, as in Newton’s differential equations. In my videos I explain how this process is relative to temperature and the phase changes of matter.

  7. It's pleasant to have a philosophical review, thanks.

    Accepting that the reason to say that spacetime is doomed might be because the "spatial" terminology such as "vacua" applies only topologically, ie it applies to the stable effective result of cause-effect, ..the Quantum Fields Mechanism of temporal superposition, (the apparently material substance of time-duration), that can be calculated as projecting & modulating time-inflation states, is a "nameless" principle of mathematical multiplicity. (Implying the conjectured structure of quantized reality postulated by the calculation of discrete identies in infinity)

    It's the "virtual reality" of potential +&- relative temporal position at 1-0D. In timespace, "vacua" applies to conduction, the "empty space" of frictionless, crystaline field harmonics, ..time only transition or "jump space".

    If the Planck dimension is an evolved state within the anthropic conditions of a complete Universe, then the observable universe is the Quantum "containment field" of evolving and re-evolving life cycles from seed to adult in sub contextual environments of corporeal bodies, by the quantum logic of this cause-event here-now.

    Spacetime => standard modeling, (suggested by the particular effects on a metastable field in a Wilson's Cloud Chamber), is the natural identification "nomenclature " of the Quantum Fields Mechanism, ie the apparent modulated-modules of quantized bubbles in a theoretical Quantum Chemistry equivalent to the BBT, in terms of phase-state. The LHC is operating on the same principle with more refinements.

    Timespace is Quantum, scalar properties of the unitary-function of connection. "Infinitely big" identifies the physical evidence of the extent duration-due to the effective connection of eternity in the reciprocal position to now, ie it's the orthogonal quantized scalar properties of the objective singularity with transverse-tangential displacement of relative possible probability, in temporal superposition terms, a mathematical nomenclature.

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