Consciousness Videos

The Mandela Effect in 2020: NEW insights from Cynthia Sue Larson – LIVE with Alexis Brooks

Higher Journeys with Alexis Brooks

In this special LIVESTREAM episode of Higher Journeys with Alexis Brooks, Mandela Effect researcher and author of Realty Shifts Cynthia Sue Larson will discuss some of the EXPLOSIVE new information she’s found on the legitimacy of the Mandela Effect and how in 2020 its more obvious than ever that this otherwise anomalous phenomenon is linked to what is called “bubble reality.”

We’ll discuss…

– What role does consciousness (mass and individual) play in all of this?

– Why we need to look at reality as a process, not a “thing.”

– How the Mandela Effect is linked to the times we’re going through.

And Cynthia will take your questions about the Mandela Effect LIVE in our chat!!

#MandelaEffect #Consciousness #CynthiaSueLarson


Support Higher Journeys on Patreon: and listen in to Cynthia and Alexis’ after show on Mandela Effects here 👉 (previously recorded and available NOW on Patreon).

Visit the website of Cynthia Sue Larson here 👉
Learn more about IMEC – International Mandela Effect Conference here 👉

📖 Books by Cynthia:

Reality Shifts – When Consciousness Changes the Physical World:

Quantum Jumps –

🎧 Previous episode with Cynthia on Higher Journeys: “Crisis, Convergence, and Quantum Jumps” –

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27 thoughts on “The Mandela Effect in 2020: NEW insights from Cynthia Sue Larson – LIVE with Alexis Brooks
  1. I love this! Soo..interesting. YOU GUYS had me at costco..seriously..I took a double look and said..gee!!! I need to check that out..cosco..🤔humm!!! I just love to hear both of …and I say..Yup!! The last time I checked it was cosco
    I can honestly say or I'm crazy as others who feel the same.. But I believe in the Mandela affect..And you can give it what ever name..but it's still going to happen..hum!! I wonder for how long it will..that's a good question…???Many blessing to you both..and to us all.✌❤

  2. Also, folks say Ed Mc Mahon never did his door to door publishing house sweepstakes winners..yet on the netflix show Grace & Frankie they mention how they feel like E. Mc Mahon as they hand out their vibrators! 🙂

  3. Wondering what this means..have we Shifted INTO a new reality? OR have we remained the same and just been picked up and transplaed into a whole different world…a different VERSION of Earth?

  4. Anyone remember Louie Anderson dying of a heart attack in the early 90s? My ex and I remember this happening. I was shocked to find out he was still living because I clearly remember him dying.

  5. The Mandela Effect – If as some believe, all our "past lives"are happening at the same time and all possible realities exist at the same time ; could it not be that there are no false memories, only our consciousness switching into an alternate reality?

  6. My daughter and I changed timelines about 5 months ago, we were both watching a podcast and remember the 3 news stories this couple showed including images etc. The following week they did the same 3 articles, we thought that was strange and that they made a mistake so went back and checked the previous podcast….it had disappeared! 😳 in fact the JFK story hadn’t even happened yet as we checked various news reports online. The event took place a week after we had seen it! My daughter was freaked out 😁 crazy!

  7. " The wolf and the lamb shall feed together and the lion shall eat straw like cattle." (Isaiah 65:25) NEB Oxford Study Edition

  8. This episode reminded me of a silly mandela effect discussion I had with two other friends. It had to do with cheese whiz. Me and one friend remembered it as being in a can that you squirted out. The other friend remembered it as being hunk of cheese. We looked it up it showed up as a hunk of cheese. So, what are your recollections?

  9. I dont remember hats at all, ever, on photos of tje Easter Island statues, ever … i just googled images and what!?!?! Red hats!!???

  10. Why do we notice changes to reality, while others are oblivious?

    Was it just random chance that allowed us to witness these changes?

    How do we react with people who are incapable of believing us?

    When will governments acknowledge this phenomena occurring worldwide?

    Do we have something in common with all who see reality changing?

    Can humanity tolerate a minority that is so radically different than the majority?

    What can we learn about matter and consciousness and the relationship between the two?

    Do we organize a unified assembly of Mandela Effect experiencers and petition for official investigation into the cause of it?

    Can we trust any authority figures in any government to address our concerns on our behalf?

    Why haven't any media organizations taken this subject seriously, since so many people are involved?

    Are scientists withholding pertinent information that would validate our experiences?

    Why are so many people insisting this is a memory problem in the face of so much evidence and residue?

    Where do we go from here?

  11. In order to wake people up: MandelaEffect dot info explains what is REALLY happening regarding the Mandela Effect. There's even an entire page dedicated just to the time difference: TimeDiff dot net. I don't know why Cynthia was talking about "bubbles of reality." She came across as a gatekeeper. They didn't even talk about Hidden Hand.

  12. I have one. I remember as a kid watching Neighbours with my family. I remember Harold died of a heart attack. I remember the funeral. I remember Marge (wife) in tears by the grave. He was such a beloved character, it really stayed with me. My entire family was sad…..decades later I was visiting home, and Neighbours was on. There was Harold, now an old man. I asked my family why and how they brought him back. Nobody knew what I was talking about…… I reckon it's happening alot atm. Probably why so many people think there's clones everywhere. We're seeing people who look the same, but don't look quite right.

  13. It has changed once again. It was Fly, Fly Fly for a period of time but it is now "Fly, Fly, bring me that girl and her slippers fly,fly,fly. Thanks for the shoutout Cynthia! Great interview!

  14. The goose bumps just won’t stop. 😊

    re: the Easter Island heads- there are pics with and without the red hats.

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