
Language acquisition with video games – Concept review & conclusion


I used ArmA 3 and Fallout 76 to try and help people improve their language skills, specifically for English learning and Hebrew learning. I used a private lessons format and video games to try and give those students speaking practice. This way I combined both action and language learning. Language-learning with video games assisted by a private teacher is a method I developed over time, the main focus of it is to get the player to talk and interact with you in a virtual environment. Speaking is very important when you learn languages and being able to do it in 3D or virtual environment or even with VR is, I believe, the future of language learning. Combining VR technology and speaking practice/language learning is an ideal tool to practice and improve your target language while being immersed in a fantasy/sci-fi world.

With all the volunteers who came, those are my conclusions…

Thanks to all my volunteers

Teaching with video games
Teaching languages with video games
English learning with video games
private English lessons with games
Private Hebrew lessons with games
Language learning while having fun
ArmA 3 and language learning
Simulation games and language learning

#languagegaming #videogameslearning #educationalgames #languagelearning .