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The Age of Disconnection


Connection is the key to our survival. In this fast-paced world of endless commotion, we have lost touch with the natural environments that defined the origins of our species. That void has left a massive space we seek to fill with mindless distraction and harmful addictions.

The subjects of The Age of Disconnection understand this dynamic all too well. Childhoods of abuse and neglect has wrought a sense of profound dislocation within them. They have lost touch with their ability to connect with others and recognize the goodness within themselves. They’ve developed demons that restrict their full potential and often lead to catastrophic self-inflicted harms.

This emptiness is not the only thing these subjects have in common. Each has chosen to confront their demons by embracing the natural world around them. The film offers clear evidence that the wonders of nature can serve as our most effective platform for rehabilitation.

Whether they chose to engage in mountain climbing, big wave surfing, or merely move from a big city to a wide open landscape, each of the people featured in the film have experienced a cleansing of spirit and purpose. Their life stories are rife with deep disappointments and destruction, but their journeys have ultimately brought them a sense of inner peace. They have transcended their abuse of alcohol and other drugs and are now living lives of clarity where they feel free to be their truest selves.

Interspersed with these personal profiles of courage and self-revelation are discussions with highly trained addiction specialists. They speak to the nature of addiction. How does it reflect our need for belonging and our desire for authentic connection?

The film is set in Mexico, but its lessons will likely resonate for countless people across many parts of the world. It addresses the socially isolating aspects of the internet and the pursuit of consumerism to the detriment of spirituality. The film also speaks to the fact that we are actively destroying much of the natural world that can provide us with the remedies for our many ills.

The film’s messaging is perfectly aided by soulful photography and patient, meditative pacing.

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