Consciousness Videos

4th Density Consciousness // Law Of One 009

Aaron Abke

#Awakening #Enlightenment #Spirituality

DISCLAIMER** These videos represent my understanding/interpretation of the Ra Material, but should be read and discerned individually by all those desiring to learn more about the Law of One.
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20 thoughts on “4th Density Consciousness // Law Of One 009
  1. Compassion love JOY are intericatly intertwined . To bring Joy to others is to bring learning to bring learning is to bring Light . Its unwise to be over presciptive as to how to balance , finding a natural Path most suitable for the individual Allows the true flow of self within 3rd density . Our natal chart sets up the challenges which living requires to transcend . Realizing every entity in 3rd density is trapped in their own karmic illusion , might be helpful .

  2. Do not forget Saul Alinsky is quoted in his book: “rules for radicals” as saying this: Lest we forget at least an over the shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins – or which is which), the very first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom – Lucifer

    This is one of many reasons why Marxism, BLM, and any variation of the sort can NEVER be trusted in my opinion.

  3. While I agree with our need to end corruption, and hate, you show a clip of BLM. A group which in itself is a hateful, violent group. A group which holds secular, niahlistic, selfish Marxist beliefs. I know we should love them as well despite their violent hateful beliefs… but, to use them in a clip for this video to consider them seeking justice and inequality just isn’t correct. They are being used as tools of hate. We need to educate those folks to look within themselves

  4. There is no ascension into 4D. Everything you are saying is nonsense that the robots from Orion brainwashed you to believe. You are originally from 5D on Alcyone. You were ambushed by robots from Orion who killed you and brought you here to 3D to brainwash more humans and extract energy. It's a galactic pyramid scheme. Your other videos are pretty good though, you just don't remember that you were already in 5D to begin with.

  5. Major healing took place last night 🥰😍 — I felt everything 💚✨ painful, yet so satisfying! we are so damn conditioned ! Lol but fugggit 😍 it’s such a beautiful journey to unravel & release with pure LOVE ✨ Thanks Aaron ! 💚

  6. I watched an episode of Naruto where Nartuto has to face his dark/shadow self, at the end he defeats his shadow self by hugging it with acceptance. A few hours later I watched this video where you talk about the same thing—accepting your shadow side.

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