Consciousness Videos

The Balance of Emotional Mind and Conscious Mind

VAHVA Fitness

How are you making decisions? With your emotional or logical mind? The grandmaster Jiang Yu Shan explains how to balance the mind. HOW TO TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR INTERNAL PROCESSES ➞

Health & Fighting Qigong course is now available. Enroll here ➞


Jiang Yu Shan (Hisham Al-Haroun) has lived 30 years in Taiwan practicing Kung Fu and Qigong. He is most notably known for being the master of the monkey style but he is also a master in Tai Chi, Bagua Zhang, Wing Chun, Xin Yi Ba and Wu Zhu Quan.

Jiang is a 33rd generation Shaolin disciple and has been nominated 9th Dan (or “Duan”) in Chinese Kung Fu. In addition, he comes from a wrestling family and is well-rehearsed in other martial arts such as catch wrestling (he has a good relationship with the notorious CACC Snake Pit in Japan).

Not only that, Jiang also worked as a special forces (CMC.SCC) drill instructor for over 10 years teaching hand to hand combat, tactical raid, entry team tactics, knife fighting and hostage rescue to Taiwanese special ops. Before that he was an army paratrooper in the German military where he got his initial military education.

Due to his respected status in Taiwan’s society and his high expertise in self-defence, he has served as a bodyguard for several Taiwanese presidents and presidential candidates. A foreigner working as a body guard for a president is extremely rare and unheard of in almost any country in the world.

To test his martial arts skills and proficiency in practice, Jiang has competed in various kickboxing, Sanda, MMA and Karate competitions, winning 7 gold medals. His biggest victory was winning the All Japan Karate MMA competition 2016 in Tokyo, Japan at the age of 45.

Jiang has 40 years of training in Kung Fu and has operated as a respected teacher since he was in his twenties. Now, he is a grandmaster who comes from very rare and pure lineages of Kung Fu and Qigong. This is why his teachings are not only very unique but also more effective than many of the commercial forms of Qigong or Kung Fu you see today.

It’s our privilege and honour to showcase his skills to the broader audience. Enjoy!


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24 thoughts on “The Balance of Emotional Mind and Conscious Mind
  1. Многие люди начинают заниматься разными системами самообороны, чтобы защищать себя и близких…но без развития этического, духовного и психического можно легко самому практиканту БИ стать агрессором….ролик именно об этом…

  2. Use thc to activate the yin to your fire. Just my opinion. I struggle with 'the fire' and taking thc has helped me immensely, however, it has to translate into when I do not use it too, and it seems to be improving the most with age for me

  3. Growing up my father took my to a master to learn meditation i barely recall but i do recall the lotus position and yin yang hand by the dantien just under thr navel ,they warned me do not go into deep meditation if its raining and unplug the house phones ,they explained a similar kind of "possession"

  4. to fined out there the same thing to wave them too gather so that you logic and hart service you toured your ideal stat .. though that is subjective up to the persons own interpretation of existence and not objective determinable from a fare and the same for all things

  5. Love this video and love the music! I don't think there are any Chinese martial arts classes near where I live, are there any good YouTube channels to learn the techniques from?

  6. Real Kung fu still exist 😤I’m tired of the preformance based bullshit wushu. There’s gotta be more Kung fu guys out there in mma

  7. First thank you for all this fantastic info. Please let me know if this is covered in detail in your course or it’s another course. This is amazing information that has everything to do with internal energies and kundalini energy as well. I don’t practice any martial arts or energy just meditation and self realization on my own. One of the biggest challenges and hardest experiences is when kundalini and fire start raising, I was on fire for 2-3 years, no sleep walking in winter in flip flops add short sleeves to cool down body. From chest up it was like fire burning. I kept pulling energies down but not successfully. This year. i am better but far away from good. I would love to learn more, your teacher is real deal and truly gift to the world. 🙏 if we disregard all this about fighting there is so much to learn about body and energies for our self realization and development.

  8. Let me ask you both….is the muscle building in martial arts so necessary?
    One of the master s master was very tiny….
    Yip Man was also skinny….
    I am trying to u understand whether I need to build such club hands as the master's…or in a life or death situation the martial way ..the art…and only the art will protect you if you are with a strong spirit…or cultivated it.
    Morihei Ueshiba was also with a tiny body…I mean…
    Nowadays mma tend to show us one needs such body building masses of it true?

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