Art Theory

Dadaism to Surrealism


A more artistic than informative way of how dadaism came around and evolved into surrealism, Basicly surrealism was born from the dadaists that wanted to make money from there work, if i remember my teacher correctly….


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33 thoughts on “Dadaism to Surrealism
  1. First let me way that I love surrealism and just discovered Dadaism. However, this line made me crack up: "Basically surrealism was born from the dadaists that wanted to make money from there work" Yeah, because surrealists make a lot of money. No offense, just found that funny.

  2. funk it with the dadaistic surrealism, make it freak your mind out, like a twisted bromstick melting away in time and space, did I forget to mention the Human Race, racing Races, species, human beeings and other crappy things…

    Peace and Noise!

  3. I think Dali used Dadaism ,,in his paintings ,,,,and made it all too clear ,,,to see …also carrington did the same thing which were great ,,nice clip

  4. I heared that Dadaists and Surrealists where drugged or under the effect of alcohol or not sleeping and eating for days and then they would paint their art subconciously,

  5. @3rdvendetta

    However. Dadaism, we know today from Cabaret Voltaire did flourish in Zurich, 6 romanians Jews and 5 germans. And, yes the country we know as the most surreal art exists, is not Germany, and frankly not Romania. But Spain.

  6. @3rdvendetta

    Actually, the swedish writer, Tom Sandqvist, stated that. The destructive human mind of abstraction art has it´s own roots in southeastern Europe, more precisely, Romania. Dadaism is a fractional notion of the human mind. And true first "Dada" were not Tzara, Boll, or Duchamp. But 18century poets such as Urmuz, and Anton Pann, and the sculptor Constantin Brancusi.. The way Romanians thought in a surreal way back then was remarkble, and it gave a prosperity in modern Europe.

  7. what used to be okay, usually becomes taboo – it's usually true in most all things. Sayings (in language – "gay" for instance used to mean happy, now it – well it doesn't LOL; queer used to mean weird/odd, hullo! now it doesn't), religious rituals (old testament Bible = sacrifices, but also multiple wives), are a couple I can think of right now.
    people's way of thinking changes over time and tells the rest of the world what's right, wrong, okay, abhorrent, taboo, or even "cool"
    Used to be nor

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