Consciousness Videos

4 Mind-Blowing Activities to Access Higher States of Consciousness | Vishen Lakhiani

Mindvalley Talks

In this Mindvalley Talk, prepare for your mind to be blown with the 4 most incredible (and fun!) paths to higher consciousness โœจ Expand your mindset and your consciousness further with unlimited personal growth content next ๐Ÿคฏ๐Ÿ‘‰

Recorded at Mindvalley University, Croatia, this talk is jam-packed with the most inspiring, globally celebrated guests in the world of altered states ๐Ÿง 

Youโ€™ll be discovering:

๐Ÿ™ How youโ€™ve been tricked into believing the โ€˜onlyโ€™ thing thatโ€™s real in life

๐Ÿ™ A brain waves lesson – and how understanding them is pivotal to your spiritual awakening

๐Ÿ™ Why sex could be your ticket to altered states of being and deeper spirituality

๐Ÿ™ How to explore lucid dreaming and incredible out-of-body-experiences

…and so much more!

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31 thoughts on “4 Mind-Blowing Activities to Access Higher States of Consciousness | Vishen Lakhiani
  1. I haven't watched this video of yours yet, but I must say that Vishen you are a very energetic and positive person. I like your passion.I hope you would look after your positive energy because people who are positive and full of energy, inside they are very delicate too.

  2. Vishen is cunning. It's a certainty.
    I'll summarize what he says by going way beyond the analytical consciousness that will always pulls you to what you already know in term of your possibilities while the extra neuronal consciousness tells you things you even can't imagine at a 3D level. It rattles a lot because you know you are able to harness the unknown and of course the analytical consciousness will always question it only because It is in a survival mode. It's important to follow the gut feeling even if It seems crazy but It's part of the destiny therefore you'll be compelled to do it anyway. You never miss something. The ideas gush and you know that you must implement them. The extra neuronal consciousness is in autopilot mode and once you choose to follow it rather than the analytical one you'll find the life easier to live.
    If I want to speak in a religious way I'd say that the extra neuronal consciousness is your spirit guide, your guardian angel that knows everything about your soul and the analytical consciousness is the ego structure that is very limited.
    I don't believe in all this circus of meditation. To me everybody can tap into the extra neuronal consciousness without meditating or relaxing the body with stupid phrases. Just asking a question and getting the answer. It works even in the bustle of the city. To me It's not in the heart. It's in the gut. The heart can be manipulated, not the neuronal gut. The intuition is in the gut.
    My grand mother was a psychic, a seer. Therefore don't be mistaken, everything is predestined and stuck in the Subconscious mind.
    Greetings from France

  3. Erm, I never comment but I need to say the following: Wall Street is not rational thinking, it is the irrational system of preserving wealth and resources in the hand of the few, maximising waste and profit over vision and durability. The financial system is dead and will continue to inhibit the evolution of the species until we change the rules. Everything else you say is so good, such a pity our species cannot have the vision to see the detriment of the financial system in the same way we were able to envisage flight for example. Bear in mind that the microchip and the moon landing came from research that was state funded, ie collaboratively funded for collaborative gain. Tesla wanted everyone to benefit from free energy, thus died penniless, his ideas stolen and only in recent years was he recognised for his rational, scientific contributions. Covid has shown us that we need to recognise the contributions of lowly key workers in a way that exceeds the contribution of this current financial system, (that really serves the few).Wastage and poverty, maximisation of profit will bring about our extinction. Creat a new system that serves us rather than us serving it, that is what tools are supposed to be for- isn't it?

  4. The rational mind? I am a Professional Horticulturist of over half a century. Many years ago I spoke to a gardener of great age who, when he was about to prune a plant, apologised for the hurt he was about to do when his knife cut into the plant. His garden bloomed like no other. His plants were his friends and family. When he died his garden died also. There is no such thing as rational………..

  5. in another video he said that when he was a teenager he healed himself from skin problems with Silva method. So , when did he actually happened to encounter Silva teachings? .

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