Consciousness Videos

Quantum Physics — Searching for the God Particle (2 of 2)

Channel Higher Self

Satsang with the Self
video series by Channel Higher Self.

July 17, 2010

Quantum Physics — Searching for the God Particle

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Quantum Physics — Searching for the God Particle

Welcome to the Satsang with the Self video session and live video event by Chanel Higher Self.

Beginning on March 1, 2009 and continuing indefinitely, every Satsang with the Self channeling session will be a live interactive video experience using webcams. To learn how you can participate in the next live Higher Self channeling event, visit:

Quantum Physics — Searching for the God Particle

In the modern science of quantum physics, scientists are searching for what they call the God Particle. Scientists believe that this piece of matter is the missing link that will answer many of the questions that quantum physics has yet to solve. What are the quantum physicists searching for? What is this God Particle? Will finding the God Particle solve the mysteries of our world once a for all?

In this higher consciousness spiritual video, the higher self consciousness looks at the quest for the discovery of the God Particle. Take a deeper look inside the mystery surrounding the God Particle. Understand what journey lies at the heart of each quantum physics scientist’s search for this missing link. And learn how you can apply your own personal search for God to the greater journey that mankind is currently experiencing on this earth.

Will finding the God Particle bring all of the hopes and expectations that quantum physics to completion? Or will finding this mysterious God Particle prove to be another unrealistic dream that leaves the mysteries of the Universe still unanswered? Explore science, quantum physics and yourself in this higher consciousness video teaching.

Many blessings and much Love!

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Quantum Physics — Searching for the God Particle

quantum physics mechanics god particle higher consciousness spiritual science discovery


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28 thoughts on “Quantum Physics — Searching for the God Particle (2 of 2)
  1. @Jow279 My new video "Removing the Mental Wall that Blocks Spiritual Enlightenment" will help you to understand why words, language and symbols are insufficient to take a person to enlightenment. Only by transcending the mind can a person realize the Eternal Self that they truly are.

    Symbols and language are relative to manifest creation, which is forever changing. Namaste.

  2. @Jow279 Symbols are a form of language. They represent something else. In some cases, geometric symbols refer to structures of energy. Many different cultures and teachers have placed different meanings on this symbol. I personally place little importance on any symbol. Far more powerful and important than any symbol is the direct experience of the formless eternal Consciousness that you are. Find the eternal state of your self and all the forms of language lose their savoir-esque importance.

  3. @ryucorrea The error of modern science is like the error of a teenage child. The child thinks he/she knows more than the adults. This often gets the child into trouble as he realizes his own immature thinking and arrogance.

  4. @ryucorrea In sexual reproduction, 1 sperm plus 1 ovum will not always equal 1 child. Sometimes the 1 ovum will split after fertilization to create 2 children (identical twins).

    There are countless examples for this. Even in quantum physics, 1 particle can exist in more than 1 location at the same time. 1 = infinity in this math equation.

  5. @ryucorrea 2+2 does not always equal 4. All answers are relative. In the natural world, the mind-made systems of man do not always hold up.

    Numbers are only a relative measure of something and the absolute truth of that something. For example, 20 degrees Centigrade is not twice as hot as 10 degrees Centigrade… even though the number is twice as great.

  6. I watched, I listened, and now I can say you just spat philosophy not science. Also I saw someone comment about how we each have a different perspective and our own truth. That is wrong, if someone says 2+ 2=4 and someone else says 2+ 2=6 obviously one of them is wrong. There is one truth that is absolute.

  7. @Room16Tattoo Kirlian cameras can be used to read auras without having to attune the pineal gland for it. Its external infrared. The fields properties include the temperature of a persons presence. Positive people who care and like good have literally warm fields to them. Negative people who like or have done bad things have literally cold fields to them.

  8. @q7spiz it's as real as what you think you can do…without proof, it's false 😉
    We can prove spectra through spectroscopy, we can see the effect of radio waves through radio astronomy, we can see electrical signals in the brain with brainscans….so yes we can see them.
    Atoms can be seen also…….I can perceive someone with the power to move things with thought alone, but I would require evidence to say it is real and not just a figment of my imagination.

  9. @Room16Tattoo I didn't know the spaghetti monster was real. Thanks for letting me know how much more is possible. How can we prove that any invisible spectra is real? We can't see allot of spectra, so it must not be real. The effect of wi-fi carrying information and radio waves must be all in our heads then. How do we know that brain waves are real? We can't see them. How do we know if atoms are real? We can't see them. Just because we can't perceive something, then it must not be real.

  10. @q7spiz I have no reason to deal with James Randi in the first place other than to enjoy his lectures and books. You however claim to have powers outside of your body…..there's a million in it if you can prove it to Randi, of course, you will try turn this back on me next as you have no proof and therefore have no other footing than what you think you experience or can do when in fact, it's about as real as the spaghetti monster.

  11. @q7spiz Yup, watched a few looking for evidence, all I seen was nature acting as per normal and you thinking there was some connection with waving your hands. Sorry, that is not proof, that is you watching the waves and moving your hands in motion or feeling the wind and signalling it's arrival so as to give the effect of you moving the flag.

    As said, contact James Randi if you believe so much in your powers, but let it be known, he won't deal with idiots.

  12. @q7spiz Just because you have made a video, doesn't mean that is proof.
    If you can do it, go see James Randi and earn yourself a million.

    Unless you can prove this and have all the details verified, then I am sorry, I have every right to disbelieve you and you have to come up with Extra-Ordinary evidence to go with your extra-ordinary claims.

  13. @Room16Tattoo I've already had some proof of an elemental shifting force around with video on here, but you still want to keep thinking that its not real. I don't think it really matters whats put right in front of you. Your just going to call it something else when it happens. Not everything is faith to me. I just became open to there being more to reality than it seems on the surface of every day life and through that I attracted evidence. I didn't attract evidence by having a closed mind.

  14. @q7spiz Nothing wrong with asking for proof is there, evidence of what you speak, if you can't prove it, then…it don't count 😉

    There is nothing radical or superstitious about having my feet firmly planted in reality and understanding that my tolerance for faith is close to zero.

    They didn't build the Hadron Collider just to find out if there were such things as Higgs Boson, as if that was the case, they would never have gotten the funding. It's the science found and gleened from beginning!

  15. @q7spiz lmfao … Hows about this then, you take your evidence, get it put down on paper and have it peer reviewed. Also whilst you are at it, go see those at CERN so that they can check you for higgs radiation…….
    UFO's? Do you know that if you identify them they are no longer UFO's but FO's. Also, there is NO EVIDENCE THAT CAN BE PEER REVIEWED or NO EVIDENCE THAT CAN BE PHYSICALLY TOUCHED/VIEWED and so on so forth.
    You seriously need some help mate, all the best….of mental health.


  16. @Room16Tattoo I don't drink alcohol, either. I have more than faith, because I have actually found evidence of spiritual reality and I have also seen UFOs. I can feel chi pressure between my hands and it feels like magnets when you face the like poles together. I have seen energy fields and they might be higgs fields with bosons in them. The CERN collider is very expensive and people wouldn't have spent money on it if there wasn't higgs fields.

  17. @q7spiz Alcohol is embedded in religion and has been protected by the religions for years.
    Russia is one example of a possible atheist state yet there are hundreds of other places around the world that have and continue to suffer under faith.
    I am an atheist, i've never hurt anyone, killed anyone and I do more than my fair share of helping out, often without thought of the consequences that may come my way…

    You don't need faith, spirituality, you just need to wise up!

  18. @q7spiz No, atheism is not a lie, nor is it used to do messed up things. You only have to look at religion itself to see exactly how bad blind belief is. Christians, Muslims the world around have murdered, raped, abused, millions of people and continue to do so. Faith/Spirituality is all one and the same, you have NO proof, there for it's just the same as those religions it does nothing but damage your mind and take you away from reality, making you think that you are special.

    You aint…ciao

  19. @Room16Tattoo Its a lie. Atheism is a lie and its just an excuse to do messed up things to people. Atheist commies have murdered more people than Christians have. Your opinion is not the truth. If things can be explained logically, then they must have come out of a logic and logic can only be in consciousness.

  20. @q7spiz I have no need to push my opinion, it aint my opinion, it's the truth. You are just wasting your time 😉
    And mine, tatty bye and I wish you all the best…..of mental health 😉

  21. @Room16Tattoo Information can be carried by waves through seemingly empty space. Thoughts are information. Microbial life forms can suddenly appear in a "vacuum" and eventually become more complex life forms. The combined forces that make gravity, keep everything in perfect orbit. You can't see thought waves, but they exist as radio waves in non-visible aspects of the electromagnetic spectrum. The visible spectrum is only a small part of the whole spectrum. You can't push your opinion on me.

  22. @q7spiz Prove to me there is such a thing as a spirit 😉 Oh sorry, you can't lol.

    Mate, it's as simple as this, we are nothing more than animals who were lucky enough to be able to understand, if only partially, the world and it's inhabitants.

    You are basically trying to point people towards a fairytale. No evidence……science holds the position of I don't know, until proven otherwise. You claim it's all spiritual and god, there is no deep meaning, you are worthless like the rest of us 😀

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