Art Theory

Cognitive Distance

Outsider’s Perspective

Viktor Frankl writes: “Suddenly I saw myself standing on the platform of a well-lit, warm and pleasant lecture room. In front of me sat an attentive audience on comfortable upholstered seats.

“I was giving a lecture on the psychology of the concentration camp! All that oppressed me at that moment became objective, seen and described from the remote viewpoint of science. By this method, I succeeded somehow in rising above the situation, above the sufferings of the moment, and I observed them as if they were already of the past.”

I found this passage very useful in the development of my own spiritual (or shall we say, psychotherapeutic?) practice.

In modern psychological terms, this is an example of cognitive distancing–literally, creating distance between our mind, thoughts, and ourselves.

The problem with mindfulness and maintaining a semblance of self-awareness is that we are so damn close to the thing, it is sometimes hard to see it clearly.

Hence the need to take a step back.

Distance puts thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and actions in perspective, allows us to observe them with a measure of objectivity and clarity not afforded to the one who stands with nose pressed up against the thing he or she observes.

What Frankl describes here is a way to create cognitive distance, and a powerful one at that.

Notice how he didn’t engage in idle fantasies about lounging on some faraway tropical beach. This isn’t an attempt at escapism! Rather, Frankl used his imagination to reframe his dire circumstances–and with great results!

In any case, this little trick works well for me.

And now it’s yours 🙂


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4 thoughts on “Cognitive Distance
  1. Looks like a fine addition to mind practices. Also, the channel looks like a fine addition to my subscription feed.

  2. Brilliant. I pretend im in a play and the scene will change as tomorrow is another day with different actors. I agree with you .you can look back see the scene and make mental notes of "well next time" i will handle it this way or that.or view them as little battles in a war. Thinking i will win overall .ive recently had a 4 year one where i could have responded better. Ive learnt to be a bit more courageous as i had my guard down. That scene wont happen again. Greetings to you my friend.

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