Consciousness Videos

Quantum Physics & Consciousness – The Controversy


When we take advantage of viewing our subconscious state, can we affect the outcome of our conscious state? Quantum physics is currently the most widely accepted and the most fascinating theory of physics to describe reality. The act of contemplating, observing or being aware or conscious of the path of a particle can change the outcome of where and when that particle will end up… it’s FINAL STATE. Einstein called it spooky action at a distance and couldn’t explain it.

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One thought on “Quantum Physics & Consciousness – The Controversy
  1. 1. Consciousness is holding the same place in the universe what it holds in my dream.
    2. In my dream, space, time, matter and mind were imagined by consciousness which was independent of them.
    3. In the universe, space, time, matter and mind are imagined by consciousness, which is independent of them.
    4. Consciousness is singular and fundamental.

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